Do you remember?

31 2 2

70 hours remaining.

She sleeps so peacefully. Like one of those baby bunnies in cartoons. Bonnie thought to herself, watching Claudia's heavy breathing. She leaned in close, observing her gentle features. Soft cheeks, perky nose, thin lips, long, light lashes.

I missed this face. The same face Bonnie saw haunt her dreams every night for a decade.

Suddenly Claudia opened her eyes, still sleepy, taking Bonnie by surprise, their faces still inches apart.

"Want a muesli bar?" Bonnie blurted out, holding up the one she had found in Claudia's duffle that she was intending to eat. Alertness cut through Claudia's smoky grey eyes, who gasped and shot up, smashing their foreheads together.

"Ouch!" Bonnie complained, grabbing her forehead as Claudia doubled over, groaning. Bonnie held out the granola bar in surrender, which Claudia took gingerly and started chewing.

"Why would you do that?" Claudia asked as Bonnie walked back to the mirror, tying her thick waves into a knot on the top of her head. Bonnie frowned at her reflection. I'm getting old and it's starting to show. She poked at the creases by her eyes and forehead, and pushed her already-sagging boobs up higher.

Claudia, on the hand, hardly looked any different. She was always pretty, even if she didn't realise it. But it was her somber, hard exterior which kept people away.

"Checking if you were still breathing, duh." Bonnie lied, glad Claudia couldn't see her blush from the bathroom. Bonnie stepped back into the main room just as Claudia stretched her arms above her head, extending her back. Her sleep shirt lifted, revealing a soft but smooth stomach that made Bonnie's own stomach flutter.

"That was the best nights sleep I have had in... I don't know how long." Claudia commented, yawning, as she hoped out of bed.

"Ha it's probably since the mini clones slid out of your VJ," Bonnie snorted, hoping it would make her laugh. But Claudia just stared at her, wary and concerned.

So Bonnie walked over to her bag and pulled out a clean set of clothes, ripping off her shirt and shorts as she did so. She kept unwavering eye contact with Claudia. Look at me; please see me.

But forever oblivious to Bonnie's desire, Claudia checked her phone and headed towards the bathroom, taking her clothes with her.

"What now Claude?" Bonnie sighed as she got dressed quickly and stood outside the bathroom door.

"We go get the diamonds, wherever you stashed them." Claudia's muffled response came through the closed door, dousing Bonnie in cold water. She inched the door open and pushed her lips through the crack.

"I meant do we want coffee first? Or room-service first? Cause I'm good for either- but we should-"

Claudia's voice spoke over hers: "Where are the diamonds, Bonnie? I don't have time for games."

Bonnie stayed silent, nervously fidgeting. The door pushed open and Claudia appeared, dressed in a tight black sweater over grey slacks and ankle boots.

Now she is a Mother I'd Like to... Bonnie let the thought trail off as she saw the look on Claudia's face. Bonnie looked down at her own ensemble of black fishnet tights, leather short-shorts and studded crop top that just covered her boobs. She read Claudia's eye roll as 'you look like a hooker.'

"I swear I remember that outfit from when we were sixteen," Claudia remarked, eyebrow raised and lips pursed.

You remember? Hope and joy shot through Bonnie like fireworks.

Bonnie & ClaudiaWhere stories live. Discover now