Alice in Utica

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50 hours remaining.

It was dark by the time they reached Utica. Stars littered the sky like tiny diamonds or dew drops. It was hot, much hotter than England, and Claudia hooked her coat over her arm accordingly.

They trudged through the empty streets, Claudia gawking at the buildings around her. It's so beautiful, so different, she thought, as the warm breeze picked up her hair, twirling the strands around her face.

Claudia became aware that Bonnie watched her side-long and turned to her. Bonnie quickly looked forward and quickened her pace.

"So we'll have to find a motel for the night; I think I know a place on the corner of Shenton and Cornice," Bonnie said, hefting her bag higher on her shoulder.

Claudia frowned. "No, we don't have time. We have to go straight to your contact." Bonnie just shook her head resolutely and continued forward. So Claudia came to a dead stop, parking herself in the middle of the deserted sidewalk, legs planted and arms crossed.

"No," she said simply, causing Bonnie to stop and spin around. Bonnie stalked back to Claudia, nostrils flaring.

"Yes," she said back, drawing the word out, glaring at Claudia. But Claudia met her gaze, squaring her shoulders. Like two forces of nature, they both stood their ground, silently warring with the other.

A wicked plan formed in Claudia's mind. Whilst maintaining eye contact, she softened her stance and jutted out her lower lip. Then she widened her eyes and tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck as she slowly licked her lips before sucking on her lower lip.

She watched as Bonnie's gaze dropped from her eyes, to her lips, to her neck and back up to her lips. She watched as Bonnie swallowed audibly and unconsciously leaned forward, pupils dilating.

"Please Bonnie?" Claudia whispered as seductively as she could. Bonnie closed her eyes in restraint, teetering backwards. She growled and Claudia knew she had won. Works like a charm, every time. Not a man or woman in London could resist that.

"Ugh. Fine." She groaned, running her hand through her hair. Claudia beamed as Bonnie pulled out her phone. "Wait here."

Claudia waited patiently, shifting her weight from each leg as Bonnie talked into the phone. Her voice was clipped, low and the conversation was over quickly. Bonnie jammed the phone back into her pocket and stalked over, grabbing Claudia by the elbow and dragging her forward.

"Okay, where are we going? A mansion, an apartment, a secret underground bunker?" Claudia guessed as she shook off Bonnie's hold and strutted foreword with renewed energy.

Bonnie scowled, lips pressed into a hard line.

"Bloody, irresistible, straight girls." She muttered instead, leading them down a side street. They walked in silence, both consumed by very different thoughts, winding through the streets until they stopped in front of an apparently-abandoned warehouse.

Claudia slowed down, watching as Bonnie walked right past the roller door to a tiny metal door, recessed deep into the frame. Without hesitation, Bonnie lifted her fist and knocked a pattern against the door, a rhythmic 'thud, thud, thud' that reverberated through the silent night.

A pause, and Claudia strained her neck, waiting for something, anything. Then the door grated open, and without a word or a glance backwards, Bonnie disappeared into the abyss. Claudia fidgeted nervously, absentmindedly rubbing the back of her neck, chewing on a fingernail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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