Chapter 5

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//Todoroki's POV\\

Class just ended but I can't seem to find Bakugo. Did he ditch me? Damn it, I told him I was going to see how many cuts he had... He's probably somewhere, covering them with makeup. Damn it, I should have kept an eye on him. I walked out of the class room and was stopped by none other than Deku, Uraraka, and Iida.

"Todoroki! Why didn't you want to do the project with us?" Uraraka asks. "You know always do projects with Yaoyorozu." I tried to brush them off. "But why did you talk to Kachaan? What were you talking about? You have to tell me. Kachaan is supposed to tell me everything like the times before he got his quirk!" Midoriya begged for answers.

"I'm leaving. Don't bother following me. I have things to do that is actually productive. I don't have time for you right now." I muttered before walking away, leaving the two dumbfounded and Iida spitting out rules with his robot arms.

(Don't come at me for making him a bit rude. A lot of people forget that he actually is like Bakugo, but more calm and keeps to himself. So.... This is more canon than fanon right now. Later it gets fanon because Shoto definitely doesn't like Katsuki and Katsuki doesn't break like this and he doesn't cut. Anyhow, let's get going with the story before I turn I into Midoriya.)

I found Bakugo in the bathrooms, standing in front of the mirror, both hands gripping the sides of the sink. "Uh- Bakugo?" I announced my presence. He almost fell forward but caught himself. "God. Don't just scare me like that." Bakugo growled. "Well you didn't seem to hear me when I came in." I sassed. "Tch, whatever. You need something?" He scoffed as he turned to face my direction.

"Damn. Did you forget already? Your coming to my dorm so I can examine your arms. Or wherever you cut, if it isn't just your arms." I say. "O-oh... I forgot." He stuttered. Holy shit, did Bakugo just stutter again!? I'm not used to him stuttering....

We reached my dorm and I let him in. He sat down at my desk as I closed the door and locked it in case Midoriya decided to burst in like he normally does. It does get really annoying but I don't say anything. "Okay, first things first, where do you cut?" I ask. ".... Well... My arms... My sides... And I started cutting my thighs just recently." He muttered. I was shocked. "How long have you been cutting!?" I ask, trying to not be too loud that Shoji, who's dorm was next by, to hear their conversation.

//3rd POV\\

"I think it's been two years." Bakugo sighs as he stares at his hands. "Why so long!? Why did you even start!?" Todoroki started freaking out. "I started because the old hag of mine always abused me and my old man never did anything about it. Than damn Deku always thinks he's better than me." Bakugo burts out, as his anxiety kicks in.

"Woah, Bakugo calm down." Todoroki mutters as he noticed Bakugo's leg shaking violently. "Sorry... Its my anxiety." Bakugo says as he puts his gand on his leg and keeps it from shaking. Todoroki dropped down next to Bakugo and hugged him. "W-whats this for?!" Bakugo stuttered. "Dont be sorry... It isn't your fault." Todoroki said in a shaky voice, trying not to cry. "But... It is." Bakugo states as he pushes Todoroki away, a silent tear dripping down his face.

I Cant Hide Anymore.... (Depressed Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now