Bonus Chapter

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That night Katsuki tried to sleep. He usually didn't get much sleep and he was scared he would get nightmares. He ended up waking up around 2 A.M. covered in his sweat and breathing heavily. He had nightmares about his mom again.... He pulled at his hair and began throwing everything off of his bed, he got up and stumbled a bit. He threw some pictures from the dresser onto the floor, causing the glass to shatter. He stepped on a couple shards on accident and fell to the floor.

The door swung open and Shinso was standing there, shocked. "Kat! What- what's wrong!? Get over here, careful of the glass!" Shinso spewed out in one breath trying to be as calm as he could.

Katsuki made his way to Shinso, shaking and scratching at his arms. As soon as he got to Shinso, he fell into his arms, tears rolling down. "She's going to come back... She's going to get me!" Katsuki cried as he was still scratching at his arms. "Hey.... Uh- calm down... I don't know how- dad!" Shinso freaked out.

Katsuki jumped at the sudden voice raise. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Shinso whispered. Aizawa ran in and sat next to the two. Shinso was freaking out. "Hey... Katsuki... Calm down. How many colors are in the rainbow?" Aizawa asked as he rubbed the blonde's back.

This continued for 30 minutes before the blonde fell asleep. "Dad?" Shinso muttered. "Yeah?" Aizawa asked. "That triggered my anxiety." He muttered. ".... You two can sleep with me and Mic for tonight. Your both really out of it." Aizawa sighed as he and Shinso brought Katsuki to the bedroom.

(It sounds really childish, I know. 😂 Oh well)

The next morning Mic was the last to wake up. "What happened in here!?" Mic asked once he saw Katsuki's bedroom. "Katsuki had a panic attack after a nightmare." Aizawa informed Mic. Katsuki and Shinso were sitting at the table eating cereal. "Sorry. Everything came flooding back." Katsuki mumbled before taking a small bite of his cereal.

"It's fine. It was how Shinso was when he first came in." Aizawa smiled. "Yeah. It was one hell of a nightmare."  Shinso chuckled. Katsuki laughed a little along with his new brother. "How are you two feeling to go to school?" Aizawa asked as he got his car keys. "Im fine to go." Shinso nodded. "I'll go." Katsuki smiled, slightly.

"Okay than. Lets get going." Aizawa sighed before opening the front door. The two boys followed their father out to the car. They made their way to school and went to the classroom 3-A. " You two have an hour before school starts." Aizawa informed the two before getting out paperwork.

40 minutes later, Shinso made his way to his classroom. 5 minutes after that the students started piling into the classrom. "Bak- Katsuki! How is living with the Aizawa's?" Kirishima asked. "It's fine." Katsuki shrugged. "That's good! Me and Kaminari got together and made this for you last night." Kirishima smiled. "What!? And you didn't invite me?" Mina and Sero said in sync before bursting out in laughter.

"Hey babe." Todoroki smiled as he wrapped his arms around the blonde. Katsuki smiled and replied, "Hey Shoto." "Woah. Since when were you two dating?" Denki said, with a shocked pikachu face. (Pun intended)

"Just two days." Shoto smiles before kissing the top of Katsuki's surprisingly soft hair. "Hey. I want an actual kiss." Katsuki pouted. Shoto smiled before kissing Katsuki. "Alright. Enough being all lovey dovey. Lets start class." Aizawa announced. Some students giggled. Mina was dying from the interaction between the two. "Hey! Just because you all know my back story and im the teachers son doesn't mean i'm gonna be any nicer!" Katsuki yelled, with a smirk.

"Yeah well we know you love us! Espicially Shoto!" Sero yelled. "Shut up, soy sauce!" Katsuki yelled back, with a slight smile. The class felt normal again. They knew Katsuki loved them, just had a different way to show it.


(End! That's it! I am refraining myself from making another bonus chapter RN. 😂 Hope you liked it!)

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