Chapter 8

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"Katsuki. Wake up." Todoroki said as he shook the blonde awake. "Yeah, yeah, I'm up." Katsuki grumbled as he slowly sat up. "Aizawa wants us in the common room in 10." Todoroki informed Katsuki. "Okay we should get dressed than." Katsuki mumbled as he got up. "Just put on one of my outfits. It's Saturday." Todoroki said as he threw Katsuki a white shirt and sweats. "Sure, whatever." Katsuki said before changing to the clothes Todoroki gave him.

The two made their way to the common room to find all the students waiting. "Why the fuck is everyone in here?" Katsuki grumbled. "Oh! Kachaan! Todoroki-kun! Your here! Aizawa-sensei wanted us all here!" Midoriya chirped. "Bakugo!? Are you wearing Todorki's clothes!?" Sero screamed. "WhAt!?" Denki screeched. "O my god!!! My ship has sailed!" Mina screamed.

"What the fuck idiots!?" Katsuki growled. "Quiet down! Your all too loud in the morning. Now that everyone is here I have an announcement to make." Aizawa said as he entered the common room.

"An announcement? Like what?" Tsuyu asked. "Well...." Aizawa sighed as he held up papers. Katsuki went limp almost. He dropped his cup he was holding and fell on his knees. Todoroki was shocked. He didn't seem to move either. "Kachaan! Are you okay!?" Midoriya asked as he leapt down to help his friend up. "I... Aizawa.... Did you..." Katsuki tried to say a full sentence but he was in too much of a shock.

He looked up at his teacher. His classmates were looking from the frozen Todoroki, the weirdly smiling Aizawa, and the almost crying Bakugo. "Mhmm. That is if you want to. We got your mother to sign the papers." Aizawa smiled as he handed Katsuki the adoption papers. "You... You and Mic signed the papers?" Katsuki trembled, now tears falling down his face.

"We can get any of the other teachers to if you dont want me and Mic to be your parents. All the teachers were willing to sign the papers bu-" "No... I'd love for you to he my dad." Katsuki cried. "Hold up. Why are you adopting Kachaan? Why are you leaving aunt Mitsuki?" Midoryia asked, confused. "Midoriya... Mitsuki has been abusing Katsuki for years. That is why. I don't want any of you to be calling Katsuki, Bakugo anymore. Either Katsuki or Aizawa." Mr. Aizawa announced.

The students agreed. Katsuki stood up and hugged Aizawa. "Katsuki?" Aizawa said. "Yeah?" "You have a brother." Aizawa said. "What? Who?" Katsuki asked, confused. He didn't know Aizawa had a husband, let alone a son. "It's Hitoshi Shinso. From class 3-C." Aizawa informed the class.

Katsuki just nodded. After a while Aizawa dismissed the class to leave the common room so he could talk to Katsuki. Todoroki asked to stay and Aizawa allowed it since he could tell them how to deal with Katsuki's anxiety attacks or something.

Mic and Shinso entered the common room and sat down. "Alright. Now the whole family is here. Todoroki, mind telling us how to calm Katsuki down?" Mic asked as he sat down next to his husband. "Oh sure." Todoroki nodded. Shinso sat next to Katsuki. Katsuki seemed to not want to be there while they were talking about him like this but he had to sit with them.

"Um... Usually to tell when he is having an attack, he usually grips on his arms and leaves nail marks, pulls at his hair hardly, pinches his legs, shakes, or grips his chest." Todoroki started. Katsuki didn't even know he did half of that stuff. He thought he just shaped or gripped his chest from the loss of air.

"You have to rub his back or cuddle him. He also gets nightmares a lot. You'll have to talk to him till he falls back asleep. He doesn't eat much so you have to keep on eye on that. I wouldn't let him lock his door or the bathroom door. He is either puking up his food or cutting when he does that. If he is gone in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes I usually check up on him." Todoroki informed them.

It was weird for Katsuki to be hearing those things about him. "Wow... Katsuki.... How did you keep all this to yourself? That's a lot..." Shinso whispered as he was staring at the floor.

They talked some more before the Aizawa's took Katsuki to his new home. Katsuki seemed terrified at first but seemed to calm down a bit. They arrived at the house and they showed him around. "And this is your room." Mic sang with a smile. Katsuki cringed at the singing which only made the sleep deprived boys laugh. Katsuki expected a small room with just blankets and one pillow like at Mitsuki's but when they opened the door he looked as though someone when they meet their celebrity crush.

"I know it isn't much right now. We can go shopping tomorrow and get some stuff to make it your own an-" "It's amazing. I have my own bed... My own desk... Even my own closet!" Katsuki beamed as he looked around the room. "Wait... You didn't even have a closet!? What the hell is wrong with Mitsuki!? She used to be so nice according to Midoriya!" Shinso growled. "She always put up an act when the Midoriya's came over..." Katsuki mumbled.

"I'm glad you like it, Katsuki." Aizawa smiled. Not a creepy smile. A genuine smile.

(Yes! I actually got a pretty long chapter after a while!!! I got up to 912 words! I'm proud of myself. Anyhow, this was the last chapter. It was meant to be a Todobaku story... Turned into a depressed Bakugo story with slight Todobaku... Um.... Oh well. I'm gonna change the name of the story than. Heh. Hope you enjoyed it! This took two weeks to make! And i almost gave up on it... 😐 Okay, cool. Bye! Expect a Bonus chapter soon. *hint hint*)

(Yes I just wrote all these chapters in the spam of one day. Kill me now. Anyhow, yes I just published EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I have NO regrets. Expect a bonus tomorrow. Or soon after this because I am bored and am just writing randomly.)

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