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Andy had thoughts about where Rye would be taking him. Like the movies or a restaurant but was actually very happy to pull into the parking lot of the bowling alley. Andy absolutely loved bowling. He was quite good at it too.

Once they'd gotten their shoes and entered their names into the score board, they were ready to go. "Don't wanna brag, but I'm pretty good" Rye says cockily. "Oh?" Andy says in surprise and Rye nodded. Rye swung the ball up toward his chest before swinging his arm back downward and letting it go.

The ball rolls fast down the alley before hitting all ten pins. Rye brushed off the imaginary dirt on his hand before turning and winking at Andy. Andy held back his eye roll before taking Ryes spot. "Oh I'm definitely not gonna win this game" Andy says before following Ryes moves, making a strike as well. Rye stared at him with wide eyes before smirking. "Oh you're on shorty" Rye says, getting up to get his ball.

Andy did end up wining and although Rye would've normally been a sore loser, Andy's little victory dance was too adorable to be mad at. "Did you have fun?" Rye asked as they two of them exited the bowling alley, hand in hand. "Loads" Andy answered shortly, a smile adorned on his face making his beautiful dimples appear. "Thank you for the amazing evening" Andy said, tippy toeing to place a kiss on Ryes cheek.

"You're welcome but it's not over yet" he says. "It's not?" Andy asks in confusion. Rye shook his head "you don't think id only take you to a bowling alley for our first date, that's basic" Rye said shaking his head with a smile . Andy playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. "Well first date master, where are we going next?" As they'd finally made it to Ryes car.

"Secret" he said shortly, booping his nose and opening the car door for him. "Ryeeee" he whined with a pout on his face "please tell me" he pleaded with puppy dog eyes. Any other time, Rye would've absolutely caved but he really wanted this to be a surprise. "I'm sorry butterfly but you're gonna have to wait" he says as he focused on the road. Andy crossed his arms childishly and huffed.

"The beach?" Andy asked confused as they pulled into the parking lot. Rye only nods, turning off the car and getting out. He ran around the car and opened Andy's door, taking his hand and leading him toward the beach. They walked for a little bit before they saw a small white tent.

 "Though we could have a picnic on the beach while we watched the sun set" Rye says stopping in front of the beautiful set up

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"Though we could have a picnic on the beach while we watched the sun set" Rye says stopping in front of the beautiful set up. Andy smiled brightly and pulls him into a hug. "This beautiful, thank you for doing this" Andy whispered to him. "You're welcome" Rye said, holding him closer, kissing the top of his head. "Shall we?" Rye asks motioning toward the tent. Andy nodded, carefully crawling in, Rye following behind him. 

"This is delicious" Andy says as Rye had fed him the third chocolate covered strawberry. "Really? I want to try it" Rye says but instead of taking a bite of the strawberry, he placed his lips onto Andy's. "You're right, delicious" he said as he'd pulled back a bit. "You're one smooth guy Mr. Beaumont" Andy says with a little laugh, taking the disregarded strawberry from Ryes hand and eating it. "Why thank you Mr. Fowler-" Rye says before his phone rang.

It was Kirsty. She knew he was on a date with Andy as she and jack were at home with Romeo. "What's up squish?" Rye calls her by her nick name, putting the phone up to his ear. "I'm sorry to bother you on your date Rye, but Romeo's in a state again" she says making Rye frown. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes" he says, saying his goodbyes before hanging up.

"We've got to go, I'm so sorry"Rye says to Andy. Andy shakes his head. "No need to apologize but is everything okay?" He asks, concern laced into his voice. Rye smiled weakly at him, he was so understanding. "Romeo is in one of his "states" again, meaning he goes into this fit of crying and hysterics until he's in my arms" Rye said. It always made Rye feel bad, imagining his baby boy crying for him.

"Oh Rye, that's no problem at all" Andy says taking his hand in his. Rye smiled at him once again, placing his hand on top of his and thanking him. "No  problem, let's go" Andy says crawling out of the tent. They were at Ryes house minutes later. "I'll take you home after I get him to calm-"

"I'm staying here" Andy cuts him off. Rye just smiled at him, he liked that. Walking through the door, Romeo broke out of Kirstys hold and immediately ran up to him. His face tracked with tears and hair disheveled. He tucked his head into the crook of Ryes neck and wrapped his little arms around it. "Daddy's here bubs" Rye whispered to him, running his hand up and down his back to calm him. Jack and Kirsty said their goodbyes,hugging Andy before slipping out of the door.

"I'm gonna go give him a bath and change his clothes, you can do the same if you want" Rye says, carrying the sleeping boy to his bathroom. Andy followed behind but going to Ryes room instead. He stripped down, folding his clothes neatly and sitting them on Ryes dresser. He took a quick shower, walking into Ryes room wrapped in a white fluffy towel. He walked over to Ryes closet, picking out one of his hoodies then walking over to his dresser to get some underwear. And quickly put them on.

Walking back into the living room, he saw Rye laying on the couch shirtless with Romeo laying his chest. Wearing his little fire truck pajamas as he sucked away on his pacifier. "Hey" Andy said making Rye and Romeo loom up at him. Romeo sat up and reached out for him. Andy happily took him into his arms, hugging him close and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Rye scooted over to give him some room to sit down.

"You look so adorable in my clothes" Rye states making Andy smile. Romeo pokes at his dimples making him laugh and move around a bit, kissing his hand. Romeo giggled behind his pacifier. He found it as a little game and continued to try and poke Andy's dimples just so Andy would dodge it and kiss his hands again. Rye smiled at the sight of them. He loved that Andy's was so great with Romeo because he definitely wanted Andy to be in both of their lives forever.
Been a while since I updated this one too 😂 Etouile Thanks for the beach idea ❤️

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