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Andy had spent so much time at Rye's house that he'd almost forgotten that he didn't live there. The endless amount of work for his classes made him snap back to reality.

Harper and Brook were gone for the week. They went home to visit Brooks parents and grandparents. Leaving Andy at the apartment by himself.

He was sitting in the middle of his bed. His computer showing his half finished paper. Books and notes scattered everywhere. The paper was due the next morning and he was trying his best to focus.

He was trying to will himself not to call Rye as he'd most likely be asleep. Plus, he needed to get his work done. It has basically gotten to the point where he'd turned his phone off completely so he couldn't get distracted.

"Come on Andy, just four more paragraphs" he encouraged himself. Cracking his knuckles and placing his hands on the keys. He took a deep breath before starting to type another sentence.

Andy sighed in relief as the paper was now finished. He checked the time on his computer to see that it was three in the morning. He groaned. He'll never get any sleep now. He looked around his bed and sighed.

"If I'm not gonna sleep, I might as well clean up" he said tiredly. He got up, picking up his notebooks first then his books. He then heard on a knock on the front door making him put his books down. He was confused. Who would be knocking at his door at three in the morning?

He went to open it anyway. He couldn't see who it was as he didn't have a peep hole. So, hoping for the best, he opened the door. He was then tackled into a hug as his face was kissed all over.

Once Rye had calmed down a bit he put Andy on the ground. "Rye what are you doing here?" Andy asked. He wasn't upset just surprised. The look on Ryes face then turned into one of anger. "Why haven't you been answering the phone? I've been worried sick about you!" He said coming fully into the house and closing the door behind him.

Andy looked at him in confusion before realization hit. "Oh I'm so sorry I turned my phone off so I could focus on my work" he said.Feeing very guilty for making Rye worry."Please tell me next time" Rye said, his voice and face now very soft. Andy nodded, promising to do so.

"So where Romeo?" Andy asked as he'd realized he wasn't with him. "Oh, he's at my moms for the week. She really wanted to spend some time with her grandson" Rye said making Andy nod.

Andy wrapped his arms around him. Tilting his head up so his chin sat on his chest. "You gonna stay, right?" Andy asked, doing his best puppy dog eyes. Rye smiled down at him before nodding.

He leaned down to kiss his nose making Andy smile brightly. Rye made him the happiest he's ever been. "Cuddle time!" Rye then shouts. Picking Andy up bridal style and running back to his room. Andy giggling the whole way.
Hope everyone's well ❤️

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