Chapter 3

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Reyna and I were still a little groggy from our flight as we made our way down the bustling streets of Lumiose City. We couldn't hide our awe at the massive skyscrapers looming over us. The same couldn't be said for Cyndaquil. He buried his entire face in my hair and clutched my shirt tightly. His small body was trembling from the amount of people surrounding us.

I simply petted his back reassuringly as we made our way to the hotel. I knew that he would probably feel better if I just put him in his Pokeball, but wouldn't that be just as bad as abandoning him?

He'll never overcome his fears if he isn't exposed to them. I can't just hide him away when he's frightened. It's something we'll have to work through together, as partners.

I cast a sideways glance at Reyna, who was staring at Piplup's Pokeball, which now rested in her right hand. Her face was a mixture of emotions I couldn't quite decipher

Looks like we're both off to a great start. I sighed internally.


The sight of our hotel and its surroundings was enough to rejuvenate our spirits. The hotel itself was much fancier than I expected, but what really made my jaw drop was the sight of Prism Tower.

Prism Tower is Lumiose's (if not Kalos') most notable landmark. It's a magnificent structure made of shining metal and glass. I could only imagine how beautiful it would look at night.

I had to force myself to keep moving, dragging an entranced Reyna along with me. We would have plenty of time to ogle the tower, but right now we needed to make sure we get front row seats at this ceremony. Seeing Mirajane up close and personal would be just as exciting as seeing Prism Tower for the first time.

After we checked into our rooms and freshened up a bit we were back on the streets of Kalos. Cyndaquil seemed to be adjusting somewhat. At least now he wasn't burying his face in my hair and shaking. He simply took everything in with wary eyes.

Our morning had been very eventful already, and it was barely ten o'clock. With a slight rumbling in our stomachs Reyna and I found a nearby cafe and stopped for coffee and pastries. Well, I got coffee at least. Reyna never drank anything espresso related. She preferred her matcha drinks.

We even bought a couple of tasty looking Poffins for our Pokemon. As we stepped outside of the cafe Reyna released Piplup so he could enjoy his treat as well. He begrudgingly accepted the Poffin. He turned his back to Reyna while he ate.

I lowered Cyndaquil onto the ground and handed him Poffin. Things quickly went downhill from there. Cyndaquil began looking around frantically at all the people that towered over him, shuffling about the city. His breathing quickened and his eyes darted to and fro. I could see his small frame visibly trembling.

"Look at me Cyndaquil. It's okay. Look at me." I said in my calmest voice, trying to redirect his attention before he got spooked.

Cyndaquil turned his head to face me, just as an unsuspecting passerby stepped a bit too close. His foot landed in Cyndaquil's peripheral vision. Flames erupted from the Fire Mouse's back. His fur bristled instantly.

People entering or leaving the cafe were startled. Some stepped back to get away from Cyndaquil's flames. Others peered closer to see what was happening.

I took a hesitant step closer to Cyndaquil, debating on how to de-escalate the situation. Cyndaquil froze for a split second, and then took off running down the street.

"Cyndaquil come back!" I called out, quickly sprinting after him.

My heart constricted as a frenzy of thoughts cluttered my mind. I vaguely heard the sound of Reyna returning Piplup to his Pokeball, and then her footsteps behind me. I struggled to keep Cyndaquil in my sight as he darted through the crowd of people and Pokemon filling the sidewalk.

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