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¤ Mercury
Sleeping at Last ↲

I know the further I go,
The harder I try, only keeps my eyes closed.
And somehow I've fallen in love
With this middle ground at the cost of my soul.
Yet I know, if I stepped aside,
Released the controls, you would open my eyes.
That somehow, all of this mess
Is just an attempt to know the worth of my life.

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎

"Tilt your head to the side. I want to capture all the hickeys on your neck."

Taehyung and Jungkook were behind the university's main building, settled on that hill which overlooked the mountains. After their power nap - which lasted for two hours - Taehyung pulled the younger out of bed and brought him up here. He found it funny how they always ended up at this spot or at the lake, two locations that were so close to home. But it seemed fitting - these scenic places were tucked away from the world, somewhere only they went.

"You're such a pig," Taehyung laughed, leaning back on his arms and stretching out his legs.

Jungkook crouched down in front of him, trying to find the perfect angle. "I'm just your tatted-up, muscle pig, paparazzi of a boyfriend reporting for duty."

As soon as they arrived, Jungkook pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of Taehyung. The younger claimed it was because of how pretty he looked today - tousled hair and love melting the chocolate of his eyes - but Taehyung knew better.

He knew Jungkook better.

"You just want proof of this," Taehyung emphasized, pointing to his red and splotchy neck. He slightly gasped as he ran his fingers over his skin - it was quite sensitive. "I don't remember you leaving this many."

Jungkook appraised one of the pictures before returning his attention to Taehyung. "You were a little preoccupied with some other sensations, baby."

A challenging gleam rose to the younger's eyes, a look which Taehyung knew meant he was trying to get a reaction out of him. He smirked, loving this playful side of Jungkook.

So he decided to play along. "New sensations for you, too, Kook. Tell me . . . How did I feel in your hand?"

Jungkook's lips popped open, a soft inhale sucked in between. It was clear he was thinking back to the events of the morning, remembering all that occurred. He quickly pocketed his phone and sat right in front of Taehyung, leaning in close.

"You wanna know?" Jungkook whispered lowly, lips close to Taehyung's yet just out of reach. "You felt hard, and hot, and so fucking thick, and -"

Taehyung rose up and pulled the younger's head down, mouths colliding and slotting together. He worked his lips over Jungkook's slowly, teasing and tasting the other boy until he was putty beneath him. A small whimper left one of their mouths, though Taehyung wasn't who it came from as he was pulled deeper and deeper.

Taehyung broke away, eyes trained on the pouty smoothness of Jungkook's mouth. "We probably shouldn't get too risqué out in the open. I know we've never seen anyone up here, though we don't want to push our luck."

Jungkook chuckled, brushing hair off his forehead as he settled down next to Taehyung. "So what I'm hearing is that you're not into exhibitionism?"

A loud laugh left Taehyung's chest at the question. "Not yet at least. But who knows . . . we can talk about that some more soon."

"First the spanking and now this. I don't know what's next and I love it." Jungkook winked at him, his whole face alight with joy.

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