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¤ Earthquake
Em Rossi

Castles that are made of sand
Wash away and you can build them back again
And you will find
They're stronger than before

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Tonight was going to be a good night. Jungkook could feel it.

Jungkook's parents arrived home from the airport just after he got in from work, pulling in right behind his car. He had a cheery reunion with his dad in the driveway, hugging him tightly and slapping his back enthusiastically. Jaewoo hadn't been home in months, and even though they spoke weekly by video chat, he looked like a different person to Jungkook. His father's skin was more wrinkled, hair streaked with strands of gray, and hands coarser than before he left for the factory. But he was home, all in one piece, and safe.

As Jaewoo freshened up from his busy day of travel, Jungkook helped his mother prepare dinner. Jiho looked years younger at having her husband back, with a subtle glow of happiness and love coating her face. It had been a while since Jungkook could remember seeing his mom like this, so at ease and full of life. And even though they'd only have a few days together as a family, he knew they'd make the most out of their time.

"I expected Juyeon and Taehyung to be back by now," Jiho remarked while finishing the dinner preparations. "You haven't heard from them, Kook, have you?"

"Whoops," Jungkook said sheepishly, running his hands over his shirt. "Sorry, Mom. Tae texted a bit ago. It looked like they stopped for ice cream."

Jiho nodded absent-mindedly, handing him plates and silverware to set the table with. "He didn't mention anything else, did he? Doctor Cho's office called, and by the time I noticed, they were closed."

Jungkook carefully placed the items down on the table, spacing them out evenly for an aesthetic effect. "No, he didn't say anything else. I'm sure everything is fine, but they'll be home soon so you can ask."

Jaewoo came striding into the kitchen, pecking Jiho on the cheek before ruffling Jungkook's hair affectionately. "My beautiful wife and handsome son . . . You two are a much better sight to see than those old, haggard men I work with at the factory."

"I think you've become one of those old, haggard men," Jungkook joked, putting his hands up when his father shot him a glare.

"Careful what you say, son. You don't want Taehyung learning about the great twerking incident of 2018, do you?" Jaewoo raised his eyebrows, a mischievous smile beginning to pull at his lips.

Jungkook gaped at him, knowing full well what moment he was speaking about. If Taehyung heard about that, the elder would never let him live it down. "You wouldn't dare."

"I even have it on video," Jaewoo grinned fully, placing his hands on his hips. "So take back what you said, Kookie. Tell your old, haggard man how much of a catch he still is."

"You're the most handsome and good looking father ever," Jungkook beamed in response, his tone overly sarcastic. "I hope to look just like you one day."

Before Jaewoo could play wrestle with Jungkook, Jiho shouted out excitedly. "They're home!"

The three of them made their way to the living room since there was more space for a reunion - and meeting - in there. As they waited for Juyeon and Taehyung to make their way inside, Jaewoo started dancing next to Jungkook. He swung his arms overhead, spinning in a circle like Jungkook had in that infamous twerking video.

In his defense, Jaewoo was half the reason Jungkook started goofing off like that in the first place. His dad had given him his first ever shot of alcohol - which quickly turned into three shots - and a drunken Jungkook couldn't be held liable for his sudden urge to dance. Jaewoo, on the other hand, could certainly be held liable because he filmed the entire thing.

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