01: keep your distance

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" WHAT???" emma screamed as she heard the news ethan dolan was going to move into their house, "Mom are you insane-" she said taking a deep breath.  

"it will be fine, the jail ensureed me he's well behaved and he has no where else to stay sweety, its what Zach would of wanted," she said kindly putting her hand on emmas shoulder.

emmas POV

I sighed hearing Zach's name, he was my older brother, he went "missing" a few years back but I know the truth. Him and Ethan used to be bestfriends, I hated the thought of seeing ethans face roam around this house, after everythings hes done to my family? no fucking way, and the worst part, I'm not even allowed to tell anyone, and I hate it. I hate him. 

I smiled weakly and nodded and repeated the words quietly, "for Zach...." I finished dinner and washed my plate and went back to my room closing the door and leaned against my door and slowly leaned down tearing up, I miss Zach so much, he was the one person I was closest with, and all of a sudden he was gone, I stood up wiping my tears and looked at a photo of ethan, zach and I as kids and stared at ethan, "he's gone, and its because of you," I said quietly as I sniffled and took the photo down and put it in my desk. 

My Mom said Ethan was going to be coming later tonight so I needed somewhere to go, I know I can't avoid him forever, but I can for now, and I will. I got changed into red plaid skirt and a white crop top and put on my airforces and got my skateboard and walked down the stairs and walked out of my house and started skating, I didn't know where I was going YET but I will probably end up at Olivias house if I don't come across a mcdonalds.

ethans POV

I put my hands behind my head as I got patted down to exit the jail, instead of juvie I got an adult sentence but I got out because of over population and I was "no longer a threat to humans", but was I ever? 

I don't know where I'm staying or who I'm staying with but I don't want to be in that town, with those people or at that school. except one person, I wouldn't mind seeing her again, for one last time. 

it should of been us - ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now