03: i'd rather die

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10 minutes later

"And get this, he had the audacity-" I complained, Noah looked at me and chuckled eating a chicken wing as he mocked me, "a u d a c i ty," he smiled, I chuckled softly rolling my eyesand pushed his head gently, "anyways, the AUDACITY, to tell me- to be quiet!" I finished my rant explaining my two second conversation with ethan in the bathroom.

" so you walked in when he was finishing showering and you screamed and you expected him not to cover your mouth?" Noah asked raising an eyebrow.

" Yes?" I replied eating a baby carrot, "and he said it in the most rude tone in the world," 

10 minutes earlier

ethans POV

I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my lower half and looked in the mirror and sighed, I reached for the door handle but the door already opened and there was a 5'4, brunette- wait a fucking minute- it was emma- My thought process was interuppted by her scream so I covered her mouth as a reflex because it hurt my ears. She slapped my hand away and crossed her arms trying to stand up straight as if it would help her look taller, that slightly amused me, was she trying to itimidate- me? I had to laugh, but I didnt. 

"You again," she said in a snarky tone, I rolled my eyes, I didn't have time for this, deep inside I wanted to be nice and welcoming but- Its hard for me to be like that these days, not to mention shes acting like a bitch. 

"keep your voice down its 1 am," I said and walked out past her to my room and slammed the door close, end of conversation, but my mind and heart was still racing.


emmas POV

"So yeah i'm just gonna spend the night here because I'm not dealing with that," I said finishing my food and washing my plate, then flopped on the couch next to Noah and took his rubiks cube out of his hand and started solving it leaning my head on his shoulder, he raised an eyebrow watching me and I passed it to him solved 2 minutes later.

"i-" he said looking at it with wide eyes, I closed mine and drifted to sleep, trying to get my mind and heart to calm down at the though of ethan mf dolan.

it should of been us - ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now