05: ethan this ethan that

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emmas POV

I went to first period and sat down yawning, all I could hear is whispers about ethan, It was annoying. Olivia walked into class and sat next  to me,"Ethans back and he got hot like," she chuckled as she fanned herself, I shook my head quickly in disgust, "no, no, NO-" 

"Have you seen him??" she replied.

"Are we talking about ethan?' a random girl chimed in, brittney I think, shes a bitch, Olivia nodded. "hes soo HOT," brittney said and soon the whole class was talking about ethan, why- I groaned putting my head down covering my ears.

and the exact same thing happened with my second class, I  sighed as I walked to my locker for lunch and was greeted by Noah.

"Hey," he nodded, I pushed him away gently so I could open my locker. "Bad mood?" he chuckled.

I got my phone out of my locker and slammed it shut, "its just like theres no escape from him, everywhere I go its like ethan ethan ethan," 

noahs POV

blah blah, ethan this, ethan that, seems like the schools arent the only ones obsessed with him.

"You would think everyone would hate him but he seems to be mr. popular," I shrugged.

" I know and its annoying," she replied as she started walking to the cafitera, I went to my friends, we don't really talk that much at school. 

ethans POV

I walked out of class yawning running my hand through my hair and walked to my locker, I could hardly recognize anyone, so it was hard to find my old friends, I really only had on one, zach. but hes not here- I only knew emma but she wants nothing to do with me so I walked down the hall reciving a bunch of smiles and some people backing away scared, hm weird. A girl walked up to me, she was about 5'9, had long brown hair and blue eyes, I opened my locker waiting for her to walk away and rolled my eyes closing it and looked at her, "can I help you?"

"Uh- I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me and my friends," she said, I shook my head no but she kept talking, "since your new and all," her voice was shaky and she was playing with her hands, I looked her up and down and shrugged and responded, "alright, fine," a smile appeared on her face and she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a table. 

I sat down still looking at her because she was holding my wrist, "heh sorry," she said awkwardly letting go. "Okay this is kingston and emma," I couldn't help but roll my eyes at emmas name.

emmas POV

I scoffed and chuckled and stood up but kingtson took my hand pulling me back down. I groaned and started eating my food, why did she have to bring him to our table? 

Kingston waved hi because hes just a nice person, but olivia was being- too kind? I can't even tell her why I hate him.

"Theres a party tonight that we're all going too, you should come with us,"  she smiled at him.

"or don't, its probably not you're type of crowd" I mumbled eating my fries, he looked at me and raised his eyebrow as he meets my eyes, "And its yours?" I looked away quickly and rolled my eyes and kicked his anlke where his ankle bracelet was, " I don't think you will be able to come," I said.

He rolled his eyes and looks at Olivia, "maybe next time," 


emmas POV

I managed to ignore ethan the rest of the day, I went to my car and waited outside of it for him, where even was he?? I sighed and played imessage games with Noah as I waited for him, he walked out 30 minutes later unlocking the car and hopped in.

"Where were you?" I asked getting in.

" Why do you care?" he replied starting the car.

"I don't." I said leaning back.

He rolled his eyes and drove back home. 

it should of been us - ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now