02: you again

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ethans POV

I walked out of the jail shoving the guard off me gently when he started pushing me and rolled my eyes and waited for my cuffs to get off, as soon as they did I looked at my wrists then up at the social worker who was hear to take me to town, I sighed getting into the car. 

I leaned my head on the window and watched the jail disapear into the distance, I don't talk about why I was in jail, or what happened in it, I hardly talked for the two years I was there, I'm not a criminal, I just made some mistakes.... unforgivable ones.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace of the car ride, still no idea where I was going.

As we enter the town I once called home, I sat up quickly and looked out the window, it was so weird being back here,  seeing everything felt like a dream, but my worst nightmare in one. 

emmas POV

I went to a park and sat on a park benched and sighed, I watched the sunset and hugged myself, it is october so the weather is still warmish, the leaves are really pretty and I love the crisp air at night.  My Mom texted me telling me to come back but I sighed and turned off my phone and just sat there, I really really really don't want to see him.

ethans POV

We arrived at a house and my hear dropped as we pulled up and two names popped up in my head, zach and emma. 

"Is this the wrong house?" I said breaking my silence as I sat up confused.

"No, the chamberlains offered to let you stay with them, as long as you behave," the social worker smiled and got out of the car.

I let out a shaky breathe and got out of the car slamming the door and looked at the house that used to be my second home. 

I got my bag and looked down as the social worker talked to mrs.chamberlain, I forced a smile and walked up the stairs and hugged her, "hi mrs. chamberlain," I said pulling away.

"Wow you've gotten so tall," she chuckled, "Come on in," she said as she walked in.

I sighed and followed her in and looked around and scratched my neck akwardly.

"Are you hungry?" she asked, I shook my head no. "Okay well you know where the guest room is so make yourself comfortable," I nodded and said thank you and walked up the stairs. I walked past Zachs old room and gulped and walked into mine and set my shit down on the bed and got a towel and went to the bathroom, all I want to do is shower, then sleep.

emmas POV

I kinda accidently fell asleep on the bench for a minute or 10- or maybe an hour... but now it was pitch black and I just hoped Ethan was asleep so I headed back home. I hopped off my board and walked up my patio and heard a whistle so I looked at my neighbours house and chuckled.

"Isn't it  a bit cold for such a short skirt?" My neighbour Noah chuckled, I rolled my eyes playfully flipping him off and walked inside my house closing the door as quietly as I could. Noah is one of my close friends, he's really nice, and we can joke around with eachother, he has these pierce blue eyes, like mine but more intense, and soft brown hair thats a bit wavy- anyways-

I took off my shoes and walked up the stairs slowly and sighed of relief not hearing my mom call my name and walked into the bathroom and screamed but my mouth quickly go covered by none other than, ethan. grant. dolan. 

I slapped his hand away, "You again.

it should of been us - ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now