04: welcome back dolan

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the next day

emmas POV

I yawned waking up in Noahs arms and groaned rubbing my eyes, I slowly slipped out of them and put on my shoes and walked through his backyard to mine and went inside, I was greeted by the smell of my Moms famous pancakes which she hasnt made since- since Zach.... I sighed and went to my room and showered then looked in my closet for something to wear, I picked out a black skirt and a white crop top, putting on fishnets underneath and white socks on top of them and my doc martins. I went to the kitchen and yawned.

"Where were you last night?" My mom asked passing me a plate, I just shrugged and sat at the table and ate the pancakes going on my phone. I'm not a morning person.

(something like this)

(something like this)

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ethans POV

I couldn't sleep, I tried the whole night but my mind was racing and for the first time in my life I was feeling- anxious? Being arrested and being in jail never made me nervous but going back to highschool- yup that does the trick, its my senior year so I'm just resuming classes as if I never left, but everythings gonna be so different.  But at the same time, I didn't care, I don't dwell on peoples opinions on me, everyone thinks I'm trouble- so why not prove them right?

I got up and waited for whoever was in the shower to finish, the last thing I want was to run into emma again, after she got out I got a towel and went to the bathroom and showered and got ready, I grew way taller so my old clothes didn't really fit right anymore, Mrs. chamberlain bought me new ones though so I guess It will be fine. I fixed my hair and headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen quietly. 

"Hi ethan," Mrs. chamberlain smiled, I could see emmas eyes roll from the corner of her eyes so I smiled back to annoy her.  I shook my head no politely when she offers food and just drank some water.

"Have a good day at school ethan, if you need anything emma will always be there to help," She said then looked at emma. Emma smiled a forced and sarcasstic smile which felt reassuring to Mrs. Chamberlain and she left the house, both emma and i's fake smiles dropped the second she left.

Emmas POV

I hate how my mom is treating ethan like family when hes the reason- you know what forget it. I finished my food and stood up and threw my keys at him. "here."

He raised and eyebrow catching them, " I don't have my license," I said.

"But you have a car?" I asked.

"Yeah it was a I'm sorry your brother went missing and now you're mentally unstable gift," I smiled crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes and walked outside, I took a deepbreathe and texted a group chat with my friends olivia and kingston - if i dont come to school i was kidnapped- and got into the car putting on my seatbelt and looked out the window crossing my legs.

Ethan drove to school and I got out and started walking inside as quickly as I could and he followed, everyones jaws dropped and whispers filled the halls, I groaned dragging him to the office and gave him his text books, he looked at me confused, "welcome back dolan,"  I said in a snarky tone before walking away to my locker, I had enough problems, and he is not going to be one of them.

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