Chapter 4

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Then suddenly he stop and pull out his jacket and give me without saying any word. I take and wore it and his warmness give me some relief from cold and i smell his cologne. He started his bike.

We reach to my house and i give his jacket to him and said "Thank you."

He just nod and didn't said anything. I feel bad when he didn't speak with me but what can i do , i am the one who is blame here for this situation. I just said good night to him and headed towards door. He just stood there seeing me. When he see that i enter in house he drove away from here.
There is darkness seems like mom and dad are sleeping. I went to my room and change. I laid on bed thinking about him. I see time in my mobile it is 11:45. I open WhatsApp and open his chat. I write 

'Sorry Akash what i said that time, i am just angry on you for that you didn't tried to talk to me in your house and went with her and left me there , i am sorry and good night' writing this i send him.

Not the part what his parents saying.

I just waiting that when he reach to his house and open his chat and see my massage. After 10 minute i see that he read my massage but didn't reply me. I wait for 10 minute but he still didn't reply and then he went offline. I just cry and cried whole night and i didn't know when i drifted into sleep.


Someone is shouting at me for awake and i open my eyes and see that there is stood mom " Riti , why are you still in the bed, it is 10 am. Come on gate up." She said and went out and i get up and headed towards bathroom and when my gaze fell on my face in the mirror i see that black circle at lower my eyes and i remember everything happened yesterday night. 

I just wash my face and come out and first i see my mobile for his massage but there is no one. I put my mobile on bed and grab my cloth and went to take a shower. While showering i cried for that i lost my friendship.

 I come out from bathroom and i make sure that mom and dad didn't notice anything seeing my face. I headed towards dining area and set on chair . mom give me my tea and some bread .

I eat my breakfast and dad asked me to about his birthday and i said it is wonderful and i enjoy there. After that i went to my room and lock myself in room. I set on bed while deciding if he wanted this then i didn't bother him today onwards and i switch of my mobile.

 I decide to read some topic but it is not helping me, i put book other side of bed and again decide that from today onward i just go college without him. Whole day i stay in my room, in afternoon when mom asked me to about lunch , i denied saying that i have no appetite and she went from there without saying anything. I to decide to skip dinner but i don't want to worry my parents then i go and eat .


Whole week pass like this and now i going to college alone. On first day i wait for him to come and pic me but he didn't come and i went to college without him. First day seems like that i can't survive without him but i manage and now i am doing good.

 Also one thing i noticed that he didn't come whole week. It is a lie that if i say i didn't missed him. I missed him very much. It is first time that he didn't come college whole week and i felling worry for him.

 That's why i decide to go to his house that why he is not coming to college. And today i finish my bath and breakfast early to going to his house. I bid my bye to mom and dad and i also tell them i am going to his house for knowing his well being.

 I am waiting to an auto to going to his house and then what i see his bike and i feel happy to seeing him but my happiness is just stay for 20 second. He is with Rani who is sitting with him and they both are looking happy with each other and Rani laugh when he said to her something.

I just stood their seeing them while they disappear. Then i see people is watching at me then i realise i am crying. I didn't go college and direct went to home. Mom and dad asked me that why i didn't go to his house. I lied to them that i have headache and i am going to my room and i will call him later.
Here is i am worry for him and there he is living happy with her. I am the one who thinking about him. I just cry and cry and sleep. 

When i wake up in the evening i feel pain in my head and i tried to stood up but i fail then mom come to call me and see me "oh! My God, Riti you have fever." Mom said to me. Then she call someone i don't know who is?? I just hear "come fast" and i passed out.


I am feeling someone is sitting beside me and i open my eyes slowly and tried to see but i fail and again close my eyes. After some time i again try and see that it is not my room. I see my shrouding and it is looked like a hospital. What i am doing in hospital. I see mom sitting beside me and dad is resting on a sofa place on that room.

I see that IV drip is attach with ,my hand. I called mom but the voice is like not hearable , my throat is dried , i slowly held mom hand then she jerked from her thought and see me and tears weld up in her eyes and i asked her to water. She give me some water and i set on the hospital bed and drink some water. Meanwhile dad to come to me. Then dad asked  "Riti you scared both of us , why you didn't tell us that you are not feeling well." 

Now what i said to them , i don't want to tell them about what is happening with me. I just don't want to them worry about me.
"I don't know dad, i just feeling headache in morning , just ...." I lied to them again.
"Okk just lay there , i called to doctor for asking when we can take you to home." Dad said and went to call doctor.
After some time doctor come and asked me about my health and i am feeling well now then she said that i can go home now.


Asslamualikum guys

So here is next chap.

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It's matter to me very much.

. Stay inside

Stay safe

Love Naz ❤❤❤❤

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