There will be swearing, dirty jokes, mpreg and dark humor!
If that is not your cup of tea, then don't drink it, or in this case, read this book
Hey. I'm back with a new book :) . As you may expect I may not update much. With things and s...
One more week and will be the birthday of someone that no one cares ._. Also I just got my repost card and I think I'm dead- ___________________________
Ying went online
HotAssRipper, GrandpapaJoseph, Pennywise, EatSoap, HowCanSheType, Lesbi-sha, and InYaDreams went online
Pennywise: You're the new Jack now
Ying; I'm just BOREDDDD
InYaDreams: Just go fuck Bian or something
Ying: He's kinda mad at me
GrandpapaJoseph: Pft- you deserve it
HowCanSheType: What did you do?
Ying: Like I would ever tell you
HotAssRipper: Maybe we can play Truth or Dare
EatSoap: Sure that's fine
StoopidAxolotlFan went online
StoopidAxolotlFan: I'm just gonna watch
Lesbi-sha: Then who's gonna go first?
GrandpapaJoseph: Well since Wujiu is the one who made us online, I guess he go first
InYaDreams: Alrighty then. Wujiu, Truth or Dare??
Ying: I'm not a pussy, dare
InYaDreams: I dare you to untie you're braid, and then take a pic of it and sent it here
Ying: fInE-
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(A/n: Sorry if it's bad and not accurate ;w;)
GrandpapaJoseph: It's longer than I thought
InYaDreams: I can see that he is blushing a bit TvT
Pennywise: Who took the picture??
Ying: Xie ofc
Yang went online
Yang: The reason he's blushing is because I complimented him
Ying: BIAN!! Why you betray me like this? :'(
Yang: I like seeing you're frustrated face~ It's really cute