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I hAvE rEvEaL mY sEcReT bY sHoWiNg My HaShTaG oN mY iNsTaGrAm :)))

IronSpider went online

IronSpider: gUuYyS

HotAssRipper, Lesbi-sha, Ying, Yang, Thicc_Naibu, Pennywise, GrandpapaJoseph, InYaDreams and EatSoap went online

Pennywise: What do you want, Violetta?

IronSpider: Can you guys tell your secrets?~

Ying: Why would we tell our secrets to the freaking GROUP CHAT for everyone to read?

IronSpider: So we can know each other better! Isn't that nice?

Thicc_Naibu: Sounds like your in court and have to say nothing but the truth

InYaDreams: Weird way of saying that but okay

Yang: You guys really want to tell your secrets??

HotAssRipper: I think that sounds pretty fun. Reading other people's secrets. Let's do it!

Lesbi-sha: I agree! Lets do it!

Calamari, PreciousOwl, HowCanSheType, Bambi, SaccOfAxe and DaddyShark went online

HowCanSheType: Sounds really fun!


IronSpider: So everyone agrees? Then lets start! I'll go first!

IronSpider: Usually when some of the couples are asleep, i'd like to take pictures of them sleeping and look at them from time to time to remind me of my sad single life :')

GrandpapaJoseph: Hah! How is it being single?

SaccOfAxe: Does this counts as bullying???

EatSoap: It is, Robbie

GrandpapaJoseph: Aesop why??

EatSoap: It's not right to bully people, Joseph

Calamari: He has a point

HowCanSheType: Who's next?

Lesbi-sha: I'll go next!

Lesbi-sha: I sometimes like to wear Mary's dress when she is in a match

Bambi: Is that why her dress looks so worn when it was just cleaned a few hours ago?

Lesbi-sha: Yeah..😅 don't tell Mary please

Ying: Don't worry. She will found out by herself

Thicc_Naibu: Moving on

PreciousOwl: Me!

PreciousOwl: Sometimes when I'm busy, I like to let Kokoa to look over Elliot and not Hastur

Yang: Why don't you let Hastur watch him?

PreciousOwl: After what happened last time, I won't let him look over Elliot without someone else with him

Yang: Fair point

HotAssRipper: Looks like i'm not the only idiot here

Calamari: Your more idiotic that me

HotAssRipper: True-

HotAssRipper: I'll go next I guess

HotAssRipper: When both Hastur and Eli are in a match, I always want to be the one babysitting Elliot

DaddyShark: You actually WANT to babysit Elliot?

HotAssRipper: It's a good practice

InYaDreams: Practice for what???

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