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PreciousOwl: W-what are they doing?

InYaDreams: Idk. I'm still following them

Bambi: Where are they going?

InYaDreams: Looks like they are going to the garden

IronSpider: Wait! Yidhra lemme join!

InYaDreams: No! We will be caught again if we do!

Lesbi-sha: Yidhra, keep following them. I'm curious on what they're up to

SnortonCandle: Are you sure abt that? I mean Aesop sense if there's someone is following them :/

InYaDreams: I can turn invisible remember?

SnortonCandle: Oh ye

InYaDreams: >:)

HotAssRipper: Well, what are you waiting for?! Follow them into the garden!

InYaDreams: I'm already in @$$hole

IronSpider: Hey Yidhra. Maybe you can just record the whole scene

InYaDreams: Good idea!

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With Joseph and Aesop

Aesop: So... why do want to see me?

Joseph: Well, I wanna show you this *Shows a field of yellow roses*

Aesop: *Blushes* D-did you plant all o this for me?

Joseph: Yes I did. I remembered you loved yellow roses so I plant some for you. With a little help of course

Aesop: Wow... thanks for... all so this *smiles under his mask*

Joseph: May I... take off you mask?

Aesop: H-huh?

Joseph: Is it okay if I take off your mask? I would love to see your pretty smile

Aesop: *Blushes harder* Ummm... sure *Takes off his mask*

Joseph: That's much better

Aesop: Joseph, why did you plant these in the first place?

Joseph: Well... I just want to ask you something

Aesop: Hm? What is it?

Joseph: Before I met you, I was at utter despair. Ever since the death of my brother I thought I could never feel love for anyone, neither romantically or platoniclly. But when I met you, my whole world changed and you made me see that there is hope in my life after all. So Aesop...

Aesop: W-wait.... a-are you-?

Joseph: *Goes on one knee and pulls out a ring* Will you marry me?

Aesop: J-Joseph, I... *Started to tear up*

Joseph: A-Aesop, a-am I asking too soon? I-it's okay if you re-

Aesop: *Hugs Joseph* I-it's okay, Joseph. I will marry you...

Joseph: *Pulls away* R-really?

Aesop: *Looks down to Joseph* Of course. You know I will never reject you

Joseph: *Tears falls down* T-thank you, Aesop Carl *slips ring into Aesop's finger*

Aesop: Your welcome Joseph

Joseph: *Blushes and looks away but then kisses Aesop*

Aesop: *Kisses back*

Yidhra, in the bushes: *Stops recording* Hehehe... I just need to send it... *sends the video and left the garden*

In the chat

InYaDreams went online

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IronSpider: OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOODDDDNESSSSSS!!!! Faksvisciwcskgwjsisc

Lesbi-sha: AWWWWW!! KAWAII!

HotAssRipper: This reminds me of when I propose to Naib. Ah a good memories

Thicc_Naibu: It's embarrassing that you bring that up, but yeah that was a good memory

SaccOfAxe: Eww love

StoopidAxolotlFan: Same here Robbie

Ying: Joseph is gonna kill you all when he sees this

Calamari: Yeah. He is gonna stab you guys

GrandpapaJoseph and EatSoap went online

Calamari: Okay I'm not gonna stay here

PreciousOwl: Alright dear

Calamari went offline

GrandpapaJoseph: YIDHRAAAAAA


InYaDreams: Yes ;)

GrandpapaJoseph: Imma come to you now


EatSoap: Joseph no

Yang: Joseph, please don't do that. I don't have the energy to stop you

GrandpapaJoseph: Ugh. You just got lucky Yidhra

InYaDreams: :DDDDD

DEMIsexual: EYYYY Sop bro! Congratulations on the engagement! Let's celebrate with some dovlin!

SnortonCandle: Come on everyone! Lets go!

BombBalls: Norton i don't want to carry you to your room again!

SnortonCandle: Come on, Mike! It'll be fun

DaddyShark: Yes Mike it will be the best time of your life

IronSpider: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


SnortonCandle: I'll use protection, Mike. Don't worry!

BombBalls: NO! I heard that Yidhra like to poke holes into peoples condoms! I ain't risking it!

SnortonCandle: Alright! Alright!

Thicc_Naibu: I'll pass. I need some sleep

Pennywise: I would love to drink so dovlin now...

DEMIsexual: Then come to the Survivors side! I have still lots of dovlin left

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