Chapter 4

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I pause for a moment, deciding whether to tell Jungkook the truth or to tell another lie. I knew Jungkook always found out in the end and I wouldn't be able to hide this from him for much longer. "Me and Yoongi have a deal," I reply watching Yoongi laughing in the distance, along with Jimin.

"What kind of deal?" Jungkook frowns, looking equally confused as he did frustrated. "We get to know each other for a month, if he doesn't love me back after then, well, I stop." Saying it out loud made me realise just how stupid it sounded. I'd thought this deal would really work but it seemed that wasn't going to be the case. At this point I was just desperate for Yoongi to at least give me a chance.

"For fucks sake Emika. He's going to hurt you. Why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook sighs pulling my body into his for a side hug. I lean my head on his chest with my eyes closed, the gentle breeze drifting over me being the only thing I wanted to focus on.

"Because I knew you would be annoyed," I mumbled, feeling smaller than ever. "I'm not annoyed, I just don't want you getting hurt," Jungkook replies softly, twisting the strands of my hair around his index finger.

"But he might like me back. You don't think he ever will do you?" I ask, leaning up from Jungkook to face him. Jungkook goes speechless at my question. He didn't want to give me false hope but I knew he didn't really believe Yoongi would or could ever like me back. I feel my eyes swell with tears and I immediately get up to walk off, not wanting to cry in front of anyone, especially Jungkook. He doesn't make any attempt to follow me so I hurriedly run to the girls bathroom to grab a tissue. As I'm drying my tears, the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch and it fills me with sudden dread. Both Yoongi and Jimin were in my next lesson, the two people I seriously didn't want to see right now.

I exhale a deep breath before making my way to the classroom on the other side of the school. Nor Jimin or Yoongi are there when I enter so I take my seat, channelling all my energy into not crying again despite the urge to burst into tears. It's a little while before Jimin and Yoongi stride carelessly into the room, Jimin sending me a cold glare as he takes his seat. Yoongi manoeuvres his way around the desks until he gets to his chair beside me and lets his body fall into the seat.

"No compliment today?" Yoongi asks sarcastically. I don't respond, only giving out a small sniffle which catches Yoongi's attention. "Are you crying?" He asks bending his head down to scan my puffy face. My bloodshot eyes and reddened nose are a clear give away I had been crying. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry," he says slightly flustered. He wasn't the reason I was crying, I was mostly upset with Jungkook but I don't correct him because then he would start asking questions about why me and Jungkook had fallen out.

"Fine, I'll walk you home after school," Yoongi sighs heavily. My mood suddenly picks up and I look up to send him a weak smile. During the lesson I noticed Jimin look back at me and Yoongi every now and again. I try to ignore his constant glances but it was getting increasingly more and more difficult.

"Meet me by the school gates after school," Yoongi says once class is over as he walks out of classroom. I'm so excited yet my mood is dampened as I remember how Jungkook had reacted at lunch. After school I make my way to the school gates with everyone else. When I reach them Yoongi isn't there yet so I stand and wait, watching others leave. I start to lose hope he is even coming until I see him emerge from the main doors with Hoseok and Namjoon. Yoongi instantly locks eyes with me and starts to fall behind Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Shit, I think I forgot my textbook in class, you guys go, I'll see you tomorrow," Yoongi acts, taking a few step backwards. I frown a little as the other two say their goodbyes and exit the school grounds. It isn't until they are around the corner and out of sight that Yoongi approaches me.

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