Chapter 5

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A chorus of frantic knocks echoes up the stairs and into my bedroom. I smile to myself, immediately dropping the hairbrush in my hand and running downstairs to the front door and swinging it open. "Wow, you look amazing," Jungkook exclaims, his face falling into one of shock. He equally looked as good, dressed up in tight jeans and a fitted t-shirt. "Thanks, so do you," I smile with a rose-tinted blush upon my cheeks.

"You ready to go then? It doesn't appear like you need my help getting ready," he laughs gesturing towards my dress. I nod my head with a smile, grabbing my keys and phone before locking the door behind me and following Jungkook to his car. He didn't drive very often but since Jimin's house was too far away to walk and I'd already failed my test three times already, there was no other choice.

"I have some rules before we go to this party," Jungkook says once we were both settled down inside his car. He turns on the engine and pulls away from my house, "rule number one, don't drink too much," he says, letting go of the wheel with one hand to point up a finger, "and rule number two, call me if you need anything, okay?"

"You sound like my mum," I laugh, gazing out of the window as the sun set in the distance, painting the sky in a mirage of strawberry reds and burnt oranges. "I'm just looking out for you," Jungkook pouts defensively, looking over at me with his usual puppy dog eyes.

"I know," I smile again, basking in the warmth of the last few summer rays. The evening was warm but bearable with a cool breeze that flooded into the car through the open windows. By the time we reach Jimin's house there are already people hanging around on the front lawn, dancing to music that could be heard all the way down at the end of the street. How the neighbours hadn't complained yet, I didn't know. When we finally find a parking spot we make our way into his house. Jungkook takes me hand and drags me through the crowds of people I recognised from some of my classes. None of them give us a second glance as we head into the kitchen which is less busy and quieter than the majority of the house. The party was everything I had imagined it to be, empty bottles litter any available surface and the faint smell of cigarette smoke mixed with the fragrant stench of perfume.

"Do you want something to drink?" Jungkook calls over to me from the fridge. I notice the shelves are lined with different brands of alcohol, some I'd never even heard of. I nod my head, deciding to save my voice from trying to shout over the loud shouts and laughter of everyone else in the room. He hands me an unfamiliar looking bottle as he downs the other bottle in his hand. I skeptically raise the drink to my lips and take a small sip. I wince at the foreign taste, immediately knowing I didn't like it.

"Hey Jungkook!" I look up in the direction the voice had come from to face Jimin. It was the first time I'd ever seen him without his school uniform on. Like Jungkook, he is in jeans and a t shirt. Jungkook instantly sets down his empty bottle on the kitchen surface and goes up to Jimin to pull him into a hug. "Hey," Jungkook smiles so widely it looked almost painful. He always looked so happy when he was with Jimin. I knew he denied it every time I asked but I had a sneaky feeling he had a huge crush on the male in front of him.

"Come on, lets go." Jimin grabs onto Jungkook's hand and tries pulling him away into the front room. He looks back at me apologetically. "Just go, have fun," I smile even though I was silently hoping he would stay with me. He mouths a thank you before disappearing with Jimin into the crowd. I sigh heavily, looking around and recognising most of the faces but not actually knowing anyone. I begin drinking from my bottle once again for something to do despite the taste getting even worse the more I drank it. Behind me I feel the presence of another person. I turn to see Taehyung looking me up and down with an eyebrow raised, "what are you doing here?" He asks cocking his head to the side.

"Jimin invited me," I fold my arms over my chest in a challenging stance. Out of all of Yoongi's friends Taehyung was the one I hated the most. Not only was he the rudest towards me but it was almost like he had made it his life's mission to make my life living hell.

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