Chapter 6

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"Well, last night Yoongi touched me -" I begin but I'm cut off by Jungkook.

"He did what!" Jungkook jumped down from the kitchen counter, his face a picture of anger and fury. "Not like that, he just put his hand on my leg but he was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing," I explain before Jungkook completely lost it. Jungkook sighs heavily and ran a hand through his hair before sitting back down.

"So what are you saying?" He asks, prompting me to continue. I fiddle with my thumbs, trying to work out the best way of explaining how I felt about the entire situation with Yoongi. "I want to hang out with Yoongi, just us two but when we are both sober. He just doesn't seem interested." My heart sinks again thinking about the times we'd spent together - they'd been anything but fun.

"Well do something he's interested in then," Jungkook replies with a shrug of his shoulders. I let out a long, frustrated breath. "That's the problem though. I don't know what he likes or what he's interested in." I rub my temples with my fingers, hoping it would calm me down or somehow miraculously get my brain to come up with something.

"You've been in love with him for 3 years, how do you not know what he likes?" Jungkook chuckles slightly but stops instantly when he notices the dirty look I give him. Albeit, Jungkook was right, I didn't know a lot about Yoongi and that was the problem. But to finally get to know him meant spending time with him and that wasn't something Yoongi was willing to do off his own back.

"Why is this so difficult?" I cry out in dismay. I watch as Jungkook picks up another cookie from the plate and tosses it into his mouth, crumbs falling from his lips as he speaks, "just ask him out. You'll eventually get more comfortable with each other. He can't say no forever."

"I guess you're right," I nod my head, only feeling slightly better. "I usually am," Jungkook smiles a wide, cheeky grin and I can't help smiling back.

"Should I ask Yoongi to hang out tomorrow?" I ask, pulling my phone out from my back pocket. I click on his name, my fingers hovering over the keyboard, debating what to say. 'Hi' didn't seem enough, but 'hello' sounded way too formal and awkward. "What about going to watch a movie?" I brainstorm out loud, looking up at Jungkook to silently ask if he thought it was a good idea

"Boring. How are you supposed to talk?" Jungkook deadpans. "What about bowling?" He suggests after a small stretch of silence while he was in deep thought.

"You know I'm awful at it," I pout, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook's ludicrous suggestion. I was supposed to try and impress Yoongi, not make an utter fool of myself in front of him, even though I'd done that plenty of times already now. "Yeah you are, but that's what makes it funny," Jungkook laughs and I can only imagine he is thinking of the time me and Jungkook had gone bowling. It was the first time I'd ever been and it also happened to be the last. By accident I'd let go of the bowling ball when I had swung my arm back to roll it down the bowling alley. Long story short, I'd almost hit at least five children with the ball and I'd had an entire mob of angry parents yelling at me about health and safety.

"Fine, I don't have any better ideas," I reluctantly agree, already typing a message to Yoongi. It takes me longer than usual to deliberate over the words but eventually my finger hits the send button and all the anxiety comes rushing back. I place my phone down on the kitchen table, eyes watching it carefully for any kind of response.

"You aren't really going to sit here all day waiting for a reply are you?" Jungkook looks at me with his eyebrows raised. I lift my gaze up from the phone immediately trying to play it off, "of course not," I laugh awkwardly, hesitantly getting up to grab something to eat. As I reach out for the cereal box I hear my phone buzz from the kitchen table. I drop the box from my hand, spilling some cereal over the counter. I turn around to run to my phone but Jungkook gets there first. I try and snatch my phone back from him but he holds it above his head as he reads the reply. "Looks like you've got yourself a date tomorrow," Jungkook smiles.

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