Chapter 7

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I go to the only place I could. The only place I could take refuge when all I wanted to do was run far away and never come back. I knock on the red stained door, rocking back and forth on my heels. It's a little while until the door finally swings open - five seconds later and I would have already turned around to leave. His broad figure blocks the doorframe, behind him I spot a head of blonde hair. I should have known he would be with Jimin. "Sorry, I didn't know you were busy, I'll leave," I almost sob, not wanting to be a burden to Jungkook anymore than I already was.

"Wait, Emika," Jungkook calls after me as I begin to quickly pace back down his driveway. I stop and turn back to look at him over my shoulder. "Come in." He sends me a glance that is laced with genuine worry. Hesitantly, I approach the door again, attempting to avoid making eye contact with Jimin who had now retreated further back into the house.

"Do you mind waiting upstairs?" I hear Jungkook whisper under his breath to Jimin. There's a brief stretch of silence before I hear the light patter of feet ascend up the stairs as Jungkook closes the front door behind him with a loud click. "What happened?" he gestures towards the worn out couch stood in the centre of his living room, landing on it with a heavy thud as I sat down carefully beside him.

"I can't do it anymore Jungkook. He hates me. Yoongi really hates me," I cry out, all of the effort put into keeping myself together crumbling down at once. I bury my face in my hands, the tears streaming from my eyes and forming small puddles inbetween my fingers. I hated crying over Yoongi more than anything, because I knew he would never cry over me.

"There's no need to get upset. Yoongi is an asshole for not seeing how amazing you truly are." Jungkook consoles me with a tight hug, swaying my body with his like he was cradling a baby. I briefly open my eyes, blinking away the tears that were causing my vision to become blurry. I can just about make out the outline of Jimin who was stood at the entrance of the room, awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs.

"You know, Yoongi might hate the fact that you like him, but I promise you, he's never spoke bad about you behind your back. If anything, he's always defended you," Jimin mumbles quietly, as though he hadn't wanted me to hear him. Jungkook immediately unwraps himself from around me and shuffles back to look at Jimin after noticing the widening of my eyes. "Don't give her false hope." For a second Jungkook looks annoyed, jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed as if he hadn't believed Jimin. Part of me didn't either. Jimin seems to notice and quickly acts to clear up what he'd just said. "I'm not telling you to keep trying with Yoongi. I just thought it was something you should know before you make him out to be someone he's not." Jimin shrugs and turns to leave the room again. I glance at Jungkook from out of the corner of my eye, who I realise is already looking at me, communicating without words. Was Jimin right about Yoongi?


I awake with a heavy heart. Not only was the hurt and pain Yoongi had caused yesterday still wreaking havoc in mind, but it was Valentine's Day. For me, someone who'd been single their entire life, it was like any other ordinary day. I still get dressed for school and meet Jungkook at our usual meeting place like it was any day of the year. Except, before I leave my house, I slip a small letter into my bag. The envelope is a light pink shade, almost cream coloured, and upon it, Yoongi's name is scribbled in black ink. Don't make me regret trusting you Jimin.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Jungkook shouts out to me, arm extended in front of him holding out a small paper bag with a red bow tied to it. Despite me telling him multiple times every year not to buy me anything, he always bought me a Valentine's Day gift. It was only something small or insignificant, but the thought behind it meant much more to me than whatever was in the delicately packaged bag. I smile sweetly at him as I look inside the bag to find a box of my favourite milk chocolates and a pale yellow card.

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