🔮8🔮 Traitorous Bastard

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Mal and I was able to find a flustered looking Jay, Carlos and Evie not to far from Hades' entrance.

"Woah what happened to you guys," I commented as they were literally red in the faces.

"We chased Harry and his gang all over the Isle but we lost them," Carlos panted.

"It's alright, I've nicked the barrier disarmer off of Jay a couple days ago," I sighed also fishing out from one of the inner pockets of my purple leather coat.

I waved it in front of my disappointed and angry audience.

"Why are you looking at me like that? If I didn't steal it, there was no way we could come off the Isle so you all should thank me for my pick pocketing habit," I stuck my tongue out at them as they turned their backs to me and begun walking to the bridge,  " and I was only going to use it if I felt homesick, it's not as if I was going to unleash all the villians, make them become my mindless army and overthrow the kingdom of Auradon and make Mal and King Benjamin my personal slaves as I rule over the new world because that would've been craaazzzyyyyy."

I giggled sheepishly as they all turn to face me and shot me 'this girl needs to be thrown in a mental asylum' look. I shrugged as they stared at me and skipped ahead joyfully. We reached the barrier and we stood side by side as they awaited me to let them through.

"Felice, what are you waiting for?" Mal asked me as I played with the remote in my hand.

I bit my lip realizing we would be locking Harry on this side for good and as much as he hurt me there was a strong shred of hope sharply stuck in my mind that there was a chance he would just pop up and said he was playing and he didn't really mean any of before. This made my chest ache and my stomach to twist uncomfortably.

"Oh nothing," I sighed as pressed then button as we walked through.

A strong surge of energy electrocuted every atom in my body making my chest to hurt more. I turned my back to the barrier and pressed the arm button as tears pricked my eyes. Then I heard some scuffle behind me and cheering.

"Hey guys, we've come for a wee visit," a voice that made me shiver involuntarily said, "again."

This statement was followed by more laughter as I spun around to see Harry and Gill walking towards us and Carlos blocked their paths saying, "no, no, no get back you traitorous bastard."

Jay and Carlos tried to block them but Gill held off  Jay and Harry pushed Carlos who bumped into Mal who threw the ember on the ground. Harry's hook and Mal's hand fought for the gem before it was flung into the ocean.

I crossed my arms in disbelief as Harry gasped and Mal yelled, "no."

Jay and Carlos pushed back the pair as they tried to look into the ocean. A green tentacle surfaced and like an earthquake happening below the surface of the water, more tentacles appeared until Uma appeared in her monstrous glory.

"Not this bitch again," I rolled my eyes at my former captain.

"Drop something?" She smirked and flicked her hair.

"It can't get wet, give it back," Mal said worriedly.

Uma laughed in response.

"Uma," Gill and Harry gasped and wore matching grins of glee.

Seeing Harry so happy at the sight of his former fuck buddy made my chest and stomach clench in jealousy especially since he didn't look at me once since he reappeared. Was I ghost to him now?

"That's my name," she smirked.

She dived below the surface of the water once more as Mal shouted in protest. Then like a tornado of water rise up to level with us and burst which splashed us with the crisp sea water. I growled angrily for getting wet.

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