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You watched with pride as you saw Thor charge toward the Black Order and the rest of the space aliens, lightning flowing through him as he swung his axe back, knocking every last on of them out when he made contact with the ground below. The fight continued, Loki now by yours and Bucky's side, defending the two of you from anything you didn't see.

"Darling, I have to apologize." Loki told you, blasting a few aliens that were behind you had Bucky.

"Wrong time..." you told him, turning to use your power against more of the vile creatures, ripping them apart piece by piece, "wrong place." You finished before turning back to your father. "Just help us keep them away from the mind stone." You told him softly, placing your hand on his cheek, only to push him out of the way when Proxima came back for you, swinging her weapon at you. You used your power to stop her, though her strength was different from your previous fights, she was stronger and able to fight your force evenly.

You were about to use more of your power against her, but Bucky beat you to it, shooting her leg to weaken her. Loki followed, knocking her to the ground and holding his scepter to her throat. You all towered over her, gaining a confused look when you saw her smirk. In an instant, the ground shook beneath all of you, and your attention was now turned back to the outer rim of the dome, eyes widening as you watched machines burst through the ground, spikes rolling towards all of the warriors.

"Wanda, I hate to break you away from Vision, but I could really use your help here." You spoke over the comms, using your power to stop as many of the machines as you could, Loki using his scepter to try and help as well. As more machines moved beneath you, you began to use hope, using your other hand to try and stop those ones from hurting anyone, but finally letting out a sigh of relief when you saw her red mist appear, stopping them from traveling any further. "Steve, is everyone clear?" You asked over the comm.

"We're all clear, you two give them hell!"

"Wanda now!" You yelled, the two of you slamming the machines down on top of all the aliens around you, instantly killing them, the small moment of calm finally allowing you to see Wanda through the dust. "Come on, you're lessons start now, move fast."


Shuri was still working on Vision, but none of you expected what would happen next. Somehow one of the members of the Black Order, Corvus, had gotten into her work space, she quickly closed her work before grabbing a blaster and shooting at him, only to have him break the glass beneath her, causing her to fall to the floor below.

He followed them, preparing to take the stone, only to fine an empty medical bed. Vision was quick, attacking him and causing the pair to crash through the window and away from Shuri so she would stay out of harms way.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here!" Sam spoke over the comms, causing all of you to turn behind you.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve commanded.

"Me and Wanda are on our way." You responded, only for the two of you to be hit across the head with something hard and sharp. "Shit." you groaned, rolling over to see Proxima once again had you, and now Wakanda, cornered. "Seriously? You again?"

"He'll die alone, the two of you are next." She threatened, raising her weapon, only to freeze when another voice was heard.

"I wouldn't count on that." Natasha spoke up from behind you and Wanda, Okoye behind Proxima, both of them ready to fight. She went for Natasha first, trying to slice her, but only to com in contact with her staff before she swing at Proxima stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Okoye was neck, stabbing her in the shoulder before pulling her spear out to now hit her in the back of the head.

Somehow Proxima had gained the upper hand, only for you and Wanda to use your power to fling her above all of you as a new machine rolled over the pit you were all in, finally killing her once and for all. You all let out a sigh of relief before turning to natasha who was now covered in blue blood.

"That was really gross..."


Vision and Corvus had continued their fight for the stone, and Bruce was the first to show up and help inside of the Hulk Buster suit, using it to fight Cull first. The two of them falling back toward a small stream just outside the forest. "Guys, Vision need back up now!" Bruce told you all over the comms. The two of them fought to tooth and nail as the Hulk refused to make an appearance, Bruce using the detachable and flying appendages of the suit to his advantage, gripping Cull and throwing him into the barrier, instantly killing him.

During that time, Vision was still fighting against Corvus while he was still wounded. Corvus stabbed him, causing Vision to fall to his knees before him, beginning to feel hopeless, that is until Steve came rushing to his aid, fighting Corvus without a second thought. "Get out of here!" He told Vision before taking another swing at the enemy. "Go!"

The two continued to fight, and Steve was suddenly over powered by his target. He had Steve pinned, choking him with his own shield and watching as he struggled to breathe beneath him. He smirked as he watched Steve suffer, only to have his own blade end up being pierced through his stomach before his lifeless body was tossed to the side, finally revealing Vision once again.

"I thought i told you to go." Steve sighed as vision helped him up, Steve was quick to be Visions crutch after when he saw how weak he had become.

"We don't trade lives, Captain."


Thor made work in destroying the rest of the ships that had started to appear, killing everything inside before it even had a chance to hit the ground. That was enough for some of the team to finally start making their way to Vision, hoping to get him back to Shuri so she could finish her work.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked as the two of you found him near Steve, and you quickly mad your way to Steve to learn everything that had happened.

"Y/n! Oh god, you're okay." You heard the concerned voice of Bucky from behind you, holding your hand out for him to take. "We didn't know where you went."

"Me and Wanda got a little held up... are you alright?" You asked him, seeing some blood trickle down the side of his head.

"Just a space dog scratch, nothing to worry about." He laughed, taking a moment to kiss you while it was slightly calm. "After this, we retire."

"You got a deal." You smirked, only to turn toward the sound of Visions scream. "Vision, what is it?" You asked quickly, standing behind Wanda now, everyone looking to the sky as the wind began to blow now.

"He's here"

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