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"Y/n..." you could hear the muffled sound of your name, the feeling of water touching your skin. "Y/n, come on. Wake up." The voice came around, this time a bit louder, this time droplets of water were being splashed on your face, causing your eyes to finally open as you gasped for air. When you looked to your right, you saw Sam kneeling beside you. "Did you have a good rest, sleeping beauty?" He asked, a pained smile crossing his features.

You didn't respond, only looking around for a moment, questioning where you were. An orange glow crossed the sky, and shallow waters as far as you could see. Looking around longer, you saw T'Challa, you saw Shuri, Wanda, Groot who was standing with a few people you had yet to meet. Finally you saw Stephen making his way toward you, with peter Parker hot on his trail, pushing Strange out of the way so he could get to you first, wrapping his arms around you when he fell to his knees, instantly crying into your shoulder.

Instinctively, you held Peter close, protectively holding one hand over his head as he cried, knowing he must have seen things equally as terrible as you did. "Stephen... where are we?" You asked him, looking around as your the team members you had only moments ago seen turn to ash, make their way towards you, look to Strange for some sort of answer.

"The soul stone." He told you, looking down when he saw your eyes widen a bit.

"How? Why are we here?" You asked.

"Because Thanos completed his mission, he eliminated half of the universe with the snap of his fingers... and now the ones he snapped away have ended up here." He told you, causing your mind to race.

"Sam..." you asked, turning to home to start to ask what you needed to know, and your eyes watered as you watched his gaze fall a bit before he could finally look you in the eye again.

"Your son isn't here, neither is Bucky, or your father and uncle... you're the only one that came to us." He told you, reaching for your hand, giving it a small squeeze before he watched you turn away, staring down as far as you could.

"And Tony?" You asked, blinking back to reality when you heard Peter speak up now.

"I'm so sorry Y/n..." he cried, causing you to look up at Strange again, seeing a pained look cross his face.

"Guys... can you give me a minute alone with Peter, please?" You asked, offering a nod as Sam moved everyone away so the two of you could talk privately. "Peter, talk to me." You whispered, pulling back a bit a wiping away some of his tears.

"We tried so hard, we really did, we almost got the glove off of Thanos, but then the Quill guy wit him and woke him up, and then Mr. Stark was fighting him and he got stabbed and then the Wizard guy gave Thanos the time stone, and then... then everyone got all dusty and..." he paused, crying a bit at the thought of everything that had happened, the things he wasn't able to stop. "I just wanna go home... I miss Aunt May."

"Hey, hey, its okay." You whispered, and he instantly wrapped his arms around you again as he cried once more. "It'll be okay, you're with me now, okay kid?" You told him, rubbing his back in attempts to calm him, nodding for Stephen and Sam to come back. "Strange, why did you give up the time stone?" You asked, doing your best not to get angry.

"It was the only way to save Starks life." He told you calmly.

"I know Tony, he would never want his life over the lives and safety of trillions-"

"He needs to be alive for this to work. Out of fourteen million six hundred and five outcomes, we can only beat Thanos in one. One, that's it, and Tony needed to be alive in order for us to get to that, there was no other way." He told you, causing you to furrow your brows as you thought about everything he said.

"So there's hope... we can get back there?" You asked, looking back at him, eyes wide as you hoped he would tell you what you wanted to hear.

"If they can do everything they are supposed to do, then yes." He told you, watching as you finally stood up, Peter standing beside you as he looked up anxiously waiting for what you would say.

"What do we need to do to get ready?"


Bucky sprinted through the halls of the palace, panic rushing through his mind as he made his way through the under ground levels. He burst through the final door that T'Challa had told him to go to at the end of all this, his heart pounding as he stood there, eyeing the pod as fear raced through him. He gulped before taking steps to the pod, hesitating for a moment before finally placing his hand over the pad reader, closing his eyes as it scanned his hand and began to open. When he finally opened his eyes again, he let out a sigh of relief before he reached in to hold his sleeping son in his arms.

"Buck, is he-" steve spoke as he rushed in, sighing when he saw his friend turn around with little James in his arms. "Oh thank god, he's alright."

"What if he never sees her again..." Bucky whispered, letting his tears fall as he looked down at his son, the only connection he now had to you, the one thing that came from your love for each other.

"We will figure something out, I promise." Steve assured him, placing his hand on Bucky's shoulder for support. "But first we have to figure out how many of us are still here."

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