Dinosaur Socks

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Title: Dinosaur Socks
Started: 25/04/20, 2:49 pm
Finished: 25/04/20, 9:45 pm
Posted: 09/02/21, 4:16 pm
Edited: 09/02/21, 4:55 pm
Type/Genre: fluff, friendship, humor
Word count: 640
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Rating: K
Prompt: Person A (Neal) buying Person B (Peter) socks with dinosaurs on them.
-brought to you by: eliasz


"Jones, pull up Neal's tracking anklet." Peter demanded angrily. "Looks like he's on his way to the bureau?" He replied turning to his boss. "Is something wrong?" he asked a bit concerned. "Yeah, he's late." the man muttered getting back to the higher up level of the bullpen waiting for his C.I. to enter. Usually, the FBI agent wouldn't be so mad because of it, but today, Neal was running late for exactly 1 hour and 23 minutes and wasn't answering his calls.

After a few more minutes, he saw the ex-con man slowly making his way from the elevator towards his desk, offering a charming smile and greet to people passing him like he had all the time in the world. He readjusted his hat with one hand and held a small bag in the other. "Neal." Peter yelled through the massive room in a stern tone gaining the younger man's attention. He gave him the finger point and retreated to his office without a second glance.

"Looks like you're in big trouble..." Diana said as her and Jones watched the male make his way towards Peter's office. "Yeah..." he chuckled. The two exchanged a confused glance. The boy shouldn't be so merry right now - they both thought watching him slowly skip up the stairs. He acted like he wasn't late or in trouble at all, but he knew and confirmed it.

"Good morning Pe-" "The morning was good until you ignored my calls and showed up to work at exactly" he looked at his watch "1 hour and 31 minutes late." he was angry and let the ex-con know it. He was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed and intensively staring at his C.I. The boy chuckled running a hand through his hair sheepishly. "You wanna explain yourself?" Peter asked coldly.

Neal's smile tensed for a moment, but he soon regained his senses and without a word, placed the bag that he was holding, on his desk in front of Peter. For a moment longer, the older man didn't break eye contact then glanced down at the bag. "What is this?" he demanded answers. The boy's smile widened, acting innocent. "Open it." The fed glared daggers at him, but after a while of silence leaned forward to do so.

Peter took the bag in his hands and opened it to peek inside. His expression kept unfazed. He blinked a few times than raised his eyebrow pulling the item out of the small bag. "Socks?" he asked unamused. "With dinosaurs on them." Neal grinned wildly. The agent stared at him a bit longer then gave him a 'are you serious?' look. "Sorry I'm late." he reached for the door.

"Neal." the said man turned around slowly. "Yeah?" the smile never left. There was silence again while he waited for an answer. Peter gave up and just signed in defeat. 'This is so stupid...' he thought, shaking his head. "The next time you give me socks as an excuse for being late..." he trailed off still shaking his head. "I know... Won't happen again!" he exited and made his way to his desk.

Neal glanced up at Peter's office and saw the man watch the item for a moment then chuckle and shake his head. He truly smiled when he realized that he had actually managed to con Peter Burke with socks with dinosaurs on them.



Author's note: Hwehe

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