Nice a**

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*Image for reference^

There's no s** or anything like that okay😂 just read and all will be clear.

Title: Nice a**
Started: 25/04/20, 5:14 pm
Finished: 25/04/20, 9:16 pm
Posted: 09/02/21, 4:14 pm
Edited: 09/02/21, 4:59 pm
Type/Genre: friendship, humor
Word count: 806
Spoilers: none
Warnings: mild swearing (ass, damn), slight teasing (in a playful way??? Idk tbh)
Rating: T, just in case
Summary: Peter needs someone to hold the ladder.


"Hello?" Neal Caffrey answered the cell phone. "Hey, could you help me with some stuff around the house?" Peter Burke's voice sounded on the other side. "Why?" he asked generally confused. "Because I need some help." the man said as if it was obvious. "I meant why me..." he corrected. "Because your my friend and friends help each other." he explained, annoyed. "Aww, Peter." the boy smiled. "Now get your ass over here before I ask the marshals to do it." he smiled back and hung up.

|30 minutes later|

There was a knock on the door. Peter got up from his seat and opened the door with a smirk to see a slightly annoyed Neal Caffrey. "Some friend you are..." he walked past him into the house. "I thought you were gonna pick me up at least, if I already have to help you..." the agent closed the door still smirking. "You walked all the way here?" the man raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you just call a cab?"

Neal stared at him blinking in disbelief. He face palmed realizing his idiocity and shook his head at himself. Peter chuckled patting his C.I.'s back. "Come on, let's get to work..." he motioned for him to follow. The boy obeyed and followed him upstairs to a room that he's never been in before. A smiled tugged at his lips when he saw the size and height of it with its' contents - a bunch of boxes with all kinds of stuff, but most of them were closed.

"Is this an attic?" Neal asked looking around at all the storage. "No not really..." Peter laughed. "But it seems like it sometimes. This is where we keep some old stuff, decorations, clothes and stuff like that." The ex-con wandered around. "Neal... Don't touch anything and don't steal anything. You'll just be holding this ladder for me." he smirked when the said man snorted, rolling his eyes at him.

"I wouldn't dream of it." he smirked approaching him. "Just hold this 'kay?" Peter stated carrying a box with him, up the ladder. The ladder was made of metal and shaped in a triangle sort of way. They weren't too big, about 4 feet give-or-take. "Yeah, yeah..." Neal leaned against them pushing his wait to even it out. He was standing on the opposite side of its' steps. *Folding his hands, he placed them on the top of the ladder and rested his chin on them.

The C.I. stared up at Peter who was struggling to fit the box on the top of the highest shelf of a cabinet. He started to laugh silently. "Whatchu laughing at?" he glared down at him, struggling to keep balance even though Neal was holding the ladder. The ex-con man smirked, mischief playing in his blue eyes as he tried to act out an innocent expression. "Nice ass~" "Wh-" Suddenly, the man lost his balance completely and fell down at Neal.

Thankfully, it wasn't that high so neither got any serious injuries. Peter groaned as he got up, his back aching. "I told you..." he huffed. "To hold the damn ladder, Neal." The said man groaned as well, his butt aching from landing on it. He rubbed the sore spot of his back. "I did, you fell on me..." the ex-con reminded him. "Because you said 'Nice ass' and caught me off guard." he said through gritted teeth with a glare.

Neal smiled playfully at him, a smirk forming on his lips "Well I didn't think you'd fall for me..." and winked. Peter rolled his eyes at him, shaking his head at the bad pun. He offered him a hand and an annoyed smile. The boy accepted his hand and nodded his head in thanks as the fed pulled him up to his feet. "Still need my help?" he smiled innocently. "Shut up, Neal." he glared at him, but a small smile made its' way to his lips.



Author's note: Well this was something...😂Umm, okay so😂😂😂 I really don't know what to say about this. They were just teasing each other okay, me and my friends do it all the time...tbh I'm sorry you had to read this one. Okay this is awkward, byeee

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