Just To See You Smile

186 7 1

Title: Just to see you smile
Started: 29/04/20, 3:23 pm
Finished: 29/04/20, 3:45 pm
Posted: 09/02/21, 4:17 pm
Edited: 09/02/21, 4:52 pm
Type/Genre: fluff
Word count: 387
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Rating: K
Prompt: Person A (Neal) telling person B (Peter) a dumb joke just to see their smile. -brought to you by: eliasz


"Hey Peter?" The said man hummed in response as he looked up to his C.I. who was casually standing at the door of his office. "Why did the chicken-" "Neal please don't. I don't have time for any of your dumb jokes." he concentrated on his paperwork again. "But I thought you loved my dumb jokes..." he faked being hurt. "It's a part of my charm." his face formed the Caffrey smile, one that could make every woman fall in love with him. "Don't you have someone else to terrorize?" The agent rolled his eyes and grunted.

"You never answered my question." He looked back up at the ex-con and glared. "You always tell dumb jokes to me specifically..." the older man's eyes narrowed as he tilted his head slightly. "Why?" he couldn't help, but wonder. Neal laughed softly. Their eyes met and he smiled at him, brightly. "Because... I just want to see you smile..." he tried to cover his embarrassment with his smile. His handler just blinked at him a couple of times.

"That's it?" he asked. The boy nodded in return. Peter chuckled at the response, looking back down at his paperwork with a small smile. "That's a dumb reason." The young man's smile widened further more (if it was even possible). "I disagree." he retorted, making his way back to his own desk with his hands in his pockets. The fed spared him one more glance before a grin spread across his face, he was flattered and oblivious to his partner watching him with amusement...


Author's note: This is kind of dumb XD and very short. Kind of a cutesy chapter. I'm bad at jokes so this turned out bad... It's soft though, but it somehow feels incomplete. Oh well... idk why so many of my chapters seem a bit sexual or is that just me? Anyway it's not intended as shipping so

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