Pick-Up Line

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Title: Pick-Up Line
Started: 11/05/20, 8:49 am
Finished: 11/05/20, 9:47 am
Posted: 09/02/21, 4:17 pm
Edited: 09/02/21, 4:47 pm
Type/Genre: friendship, fluff
Word count: 612
Spoilers: none
Warnings: one cheesy pick-up line lol
Rating: K
Summary: Who has better pick-up lines? Peter or Neal?


It was Saturday morning. Neal was sitting in a coffee shop sipping his coffee, waiting for Peter to arrive. They agreed to meet there to work on a tough case that neither of them could wait to resume on Monday. There was a small line with about 2 people ordering when he heard the door open. His head whipped to its' direction and he smiled when he saw it was Peter. The said man entered and stood in line then ordered his coffee.

In about 2 minutes, he took his coffee and thanked the barista. His eyes scanned the small room and finally rested on his partner. The boy gave him a small wave. The agent approached him with a small smile. "This seat taken?" he asked jokingly already knowing the answer. "Nope," he popped the p. "it's single..." the older man raised an eyebrow at this. "Like me." he winked. His handler chuckled. "Is that your best pick-up line?"

"Nope, but it worked on you..." he smirked. Peter rolled his eyes. "I can do waaaay better than that." he said mockingly. "Oh really." the ex-con teased. "Go on. I dare you." he challenged. "Alright then." the fed replied with confidence placing the amount of money for both of their coffee's on the small table. "Loser pays for coffee." Both had smirks on their faces, each thinking that they would win in ease. "Deal." Neal slammed his own money on the table.

WCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWC (forgive me for the cringe)

After a lot of cheesy pick-up lines later, the two had run out of pick-up lines and both had dry throats, but no coffee left to drink. "Your turn Neal." Peter glared at his C.I. "or are you a loser." Neal glared back at him. "Shut up, loser. I'm just getting warmed up..." he retorted, their eyes locked on each other. "You don't think we've gone too far with this..." the fed asked, his glare softening. "I mean... we we're supposed to be working on a case-"

"Nice try! I'm not paying for this coffee, LOSER!" he raised his voice, gaining a few stares. Peter gave him a strict look and Neal calmed down a little, leaning back into his seat. "Okay, yeah, we might've gotten a little carried away." he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry..." His handler reaches his hand over the table. "Truce?" the young man shakes his hand. "Truce." they both smile. "I'm not paying for the coffee though..." the FBI agent chuckles. "How about we both pay for our own coffee?" The boy pretends to think. "Fine." he replies.

The duo gets up from their seats and politely say their thanks and goodbye. They stand outside of the coffee shop for a moment. "So are we still working on the case or...?" Neal asks, not really caring for it anymore. Peter thinks for a moment. "I think it can wait until Monday. We have weekends for a reason, right?" he wraps his hand around the male's shoulders. "Right." they share a smile then walk down the road, enjoying the rest of the day together.


Author's note: I'm bad at jokes and pick-up lines, but I thought of that one the other day and I just had to write this lol

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