I wish!!!

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"It's what you do with those second chances that counts."

I run up the stairs to the house. I still can't believe this is my last day here. I am finally going to college. why am I not even the least excited? I should be. Afterall I am going to PSU. I am going to start over. This is my chance to start over. No drama. No crazy popularity-driven sisters. No heartbreaks or rejections. It is going to be a new chapter, a new life for me.

When I open the door, Riley is with mum in the living room watching television. They have been seated there since I left the house today, watching this new Netflix show, Too Hot To Handle. When you have a cool mum and a twin sister who is popularity stricken and always wanting to be up to date you are surely going to be cast out from all the so-called cool activities. It was not that I hated my mum or sister in fact, I loved them a lot. The only thing that really made us know our levels were the dynamics with which we functioned.

I am ready to sneak past them and go upstairs to my room. I have so much to pack and I had wasted valuable time to prepare by going to the cafe with Naila.

"Raphaela!" I turn my head at the sound of my mum's voice. I swiftly turn and force a smile across my face. 

"come over here," she says motioning for me to sit next to her. 

"Mum, she obviously does not want to watch this with us," Riley whines clearly showing irritation that my presence has caused.

" well, how sure are you?" Mum turns to Riley. "I want to spend one last time with my two daughters. Is it too much to ask?" 

My heart aches at that. I cannot tell what madness washes over me as I sit down. 

"I'm going to miss you a lot mum." Her hand sprawls out over my back and pulls me close. I get a waft of her perfume. 

"cough cough," Riley says clearly in a mock voice. 

"I am going to miss you too Riley," I say and we both look at each other. Small smiles playing on both of our faces. It is at that moment that I realize how much I am going to miss her despite our constant quarrels. 

"I knew that," she says and flips her hair then turns in for the hug. Well, mum pulls her into the embrace and we all laugh lightly.

"can we turn back to the show?" Riley asks once the hug ends.

"And a movie after?" I ask knowing how this is all going to affect me at night when I try packing my bags.

"Definitely my love," Mum says and stands up. ' I will go make popcorn." Riley and I look at each other and turn to mum, "Extra salted" we both say at once and smile.

"I know that girls," she says and walks to the kitchen.

"We have taken long doing this you know," Riley says to me.

" Because you got lost from me," I say

"I thought you got lost from me at the start of the senior year."

"We got different interests at the time. I never meant for that to happen," I say sincerely

"Sorry for making you my designated driver."

"well, it's not like I ever loved going for any of your parties. Remember I have been this family's party driver since Shane."

"Man that boy was a partier more than me." we both laugh at the thought of our elder brother who is now in his second year at university.

"I am going to miss you a lot." she says

"Who says I shall not miss you. Enjoy your gap year for two." I say and we fall into a hug.

"I wish things could have been different," she says. 

"Me too. I just wish there was a second chance for me to change it. The whole senior year" 



Welcome to my entry for the #TeenFictionAnotherYearShortStory contest

hope you like it and please check out my other books on my profile.

Lets dive into this story.

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