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"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true" - Paulo Coelho

My alarm buzzes and I grudgingly turn over. I did not set an alarm yesterday and for that, I am very sure. I had slept like at midnight completing preparing and packing my stuff and I was overly tired. 

"Morning sleepy head." Riley comes screaming into my room.

"Why are you too cheerful ?" I whine pulling my bed covers over my head. I need to catch some more sleep unless I want to look so sick as I board the plane in the evening.

"Raph??? Get up we are late," she says pulling the covers off me and sitting on my bed.

"My flight is at 2 pm, not this early morning so just let me get some more sleep. please."

"What is your silly mind talking of? "

"Stop acting dumb okay? Can I sleep in peace? Wake me at 2 please." 

"But today is school." She says her tone now shifting and becoming calmer. 

"For me. ya. I am going to college today remember? Now can I sleep? "

Riley busts into laughter. Just not her normal laugh a real bad one and my mind gets confused.

"Why are you laughing ?" I ask clearly unamused.

"Because of you silly. Anyway nice act. You really should try out for the Drama Club this year. Mummy has said hurry getting ready we have to reach school by 7:30 am. It's just 6:30 am so you have about thirty minutes to get ready."

"WHHAAATT!!" I shoot up and sit upright immediately in my bed.

"Whoa! No need to kill yourself on the first day of senior year."

"Pardon?" I ask her. I think Riley registers quickly in her head that her dear twin is mad and plays it nicely by acting calmly. But I can see her eye twitch like it always does when she is scared.

"Today is the first day of senior year. Don't tell me you forgot. Must have been the chicken when we ate out yesterday." She quickly moves forward placing her hand over my head to check for any temperature abnormalities. "No temperature." she finally makes a conclusion and a smile on her face shows me how happy and relieved she must be.

"let me leave you so that you get ready." She says and moves towards my door.


"yes" she turns back with her hands akimbo.

"What's the date today," I ask my head making a quick mental prayer. My right index and middle fingers crossed away from my sister's view. 

"Monday the 26th of August. Why?" My heart sinks. Deep.

"UHH...nothing. thank you. Help close the door as you leave." 

Today was the 26th of August. How? Like wtaf. My sister was probably messing with me. Today was supposed to be my first day at college. My flight is at 2 pm and at 7 pm I am going to be at PSU. I step out of my bed and walk to my desk. I grab my phone and switch it on. the screen brightly lights up and my eyes quickly turn to the date.

In bold white calligraphy, the date is the 26th of August. I quickly open Google search and type in the search engine. "what is the date today?" My fears are confirmed. This is not happening to me right now. My mind quickly starts to think of various scenarios. I know yesterday was not a dream. It was not.  I quickly move about the room to my wardrobe. My graduation gown is not there when I open the wardrobe doors.

"maybe if I close my eyes this will be just a dream," I say to myself, take a deep breath and close my eyes for three seconds. When I open them, nothing has changed. What could be happening to me right now?


When I move down for breakfast everyone is at the table. I failed to shower without so many questions passing through my head. My head is having so many thoughts and my heart is beating rapidly it is so unexplainable.

"Morning sunshine." Dad is the first to come towards me and give me a hug. He is supposed to be on the International Space Station right now and not on Earth!

"Hey, dad. " I say and cautiously move to my seat.

"Riley said you weren't feeling like yourself today." My mum says while placing pancakes on all our plates. I shoot her a look and she turns her head to her phone.

"Its nothing. Must be the Senior year pressure catching onto me." I say.

"Well don't forget to tell me if anything goes wrong," she says. I just nod my head. 

Well, something is already wrong but I can't tell you. My conscious rings.

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