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Lucy, Naila, and I leave the library at like two in the afternoon. I am really hungry having taken only a Granola bar and I cannot wait to reach home and empty the refrigerator.

"I really wished I had listened to you earlier," Naila says stepping in front of me and I smile weakly.

"The good thing is you finally figured out the truth. Not like before last time when you cried yourself off and starved to nothingness"

"Starved??" She looks at me quizzically and when I realize what I just said I struggle to find an escape. Just then her phone rings. Thank you technology!! I say my little thank you prayer as I look nervously at Naila hoping she does not continue asking me about what I have just said.

"Are you fine Raph?" Lucy asks placing her hand over my shoulder.

"Oh, nothing. I am fine. Just overthinking!!" I say.

"Like always," She says in a friendly way patting me lightly. "What is it about this time?"

"Do you think time travel is real? Can someone live the same year or period of time twice?" I lay all my cards, okay half of them!

"Well, I do not know! But if you ever travel through time, the universe probably wants you to appreciate something or change something if you made a mistake. I guess also it could be you could have wished for it to happen." She then shrugs "But I do not know! Too much television and novels."

We giggle but I doubt Lucy knows how much she has helped me.

"It's my mum. Lucy, we have to go." She says as she turns off her phone.

We say our goodbyes and I start my journey alone. My head is still thinking about what the woman had said. Could what she have said be the key to finding out the reason as to why I am in this dilemma??? And even if I did find out the reason, was I willing to sacrifice everything that I am reliving in a better light just to go back to the future?? Then I thought of Lucy's words, "You could have wished for it to happen."

In case, I was to go back to the future, I would have to live with the knowledge that my sister was hurt about our senior year. I would be wishing constantly. Asher would never be able to approach me. I would never get to have the real high school experience that I envisioned before the start of highschool.

Maybe it's time to stick around!! I just wished that if it was a dream, I didnot wake up or that no one woke me up!



Thank you for joining me on this journey. I can say that I have now completed my first work on Wattpad


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