Wanna talk about it?

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A/N: Pretty short chapter but I thought I'd give you all something to read. Enjoy!

Harry never thought he'd be friends with Draco Malfoy, but to his surprise it felt very natural to be around him.

Once they discovered their similar likes and dislikes and sense of humor, they were curious about what else they had in common. They started meeting each other in the kitchens late at night. Harry managed to convince the house elves they could stay in their beds.

"We'll do things ourselves. You know, the muggle way" He had said. Draco had rolled his eyes but smiled.

Harry had just shown Draco how to make a grilled cheese sandwich (he said it was his new favourite food) when Draco asked him about his claustrophobia.

"Oh. Ehm. I've had it for as long as I can remember. I guess that's what happens when people force you to sleep in a cupboard for 10 years" Harry answered with a small grin, trying to laugh it off.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, eh, my aunt and uncle didn't bother giving me an actual bedroom but instead made me sleep in a cupboard under the stairs..."

Draco stared at him in disbelieve.

"I- I'm so sorry that they did that to you."

"It's fine, really.. As long as I stay out of small spaces it's all good."

"I just... I can't really believe that the Harry Potter had a bad childhood. I assumed that whoever raised you would have adored you and treated you like a hero..."

"Well they didn't. " Harry said, "They hate me. They always treated me like... I don't know, like I wasn't their nephew but someone who worked for them. But instead of money I got payed in hits."

Draco stared at him quietly.

"Sorry for oversharing. Probably not what you expected." Harry apologized.

"No, no. Don't be sorry. Please. I get that you want to share this. Do you... Do you talk to Granger and Weasley about this?"

"No. Not really. I mean, they know about it. I think. But I don't talk about it much. Not with them, not with anyone." Harry said as he leaned against the table, staring at the ground.

'Except for me' Draco thought. It made him smile.

"You don't deserve that." Draco said after staring at him from a while. "What those people did to you. You don't deserve that."

Harry didn't speak.

"I know they make you feel like you do..." Draco continued, "Like all of it is your fault. Like they wouldn't hurt you if you just listened to them. If you just did what they wanted you to do and be who they wanted you to be."

He walked over closer to Harry who quickly wiped away the tears that had formed in his eyes.

"But you need to know that's it not your fault, okay? They are awful people. What they did to you was because of them, not because of you."

Harry smiled and wiped away another tear. Merlin, he felt so awkward. He really didn't want to cry but what Draco said? The way he said it? It did something to him. He never had someone tell him that before. Sure, he knew what the Dursleys did wasn't his fault. Except, sometimes, he didn't.

And then here was Draco, looking at him, comforting him. Telling him something he had never heard before. He never realised how much he needed to hear this. He just needed to-

Harry leaned forward an pressed his lips against Draco's. It was... weird. They were both surprised and half crying, not knowing what to do with their hands.

But it was the best thing Harry ever did.

Eventually he pulled away, not sure of how Draco would react.

They stared at each other for what felt like hours.

Draco couldn't fully process what happened. How could he? And what was he supposed to do now? There were two options: pretend it didn't happen and never talk about it again, or do what he wanted to do for the past year and kiss the boy he liked.

He chose the latter.

Draco placed his hand on Harry's neck and kissed him.

Harry leaned into the kiss. He had no more worries or doubts. All he could think about was Draco's lips on his.

Harry carefully wrapped his arms around Draco's waist. He felt the other boy smile in the kiss.

Draco pulled away slowly and cleared his throat.

"That was..."



Draco pulled away his hand and took a step backward. 'Shit,' he thought 'what have I done.'

This was what he wanted, right? They kissed. Harry liked him. Right? Or was this just because he was emotional? He never thought about the consequences. What were they going to do? They couldn't actually date? Right? They couldn't. What if his father found out? This all became so real so suddenly.

"Ehm Draco? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. I just. I have to go."

Harry raised an eyebrow "Oh. Okay..."

"Just. Just don't tell anyone. Okay?"

"Yeah, no. Of course..."

They looked at each other. Then Draco turned around and walked away.

A/N: Hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought and it'll help me if you leave a vote! Next chapter is already up and I'll upload every Friday!

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