Of course

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Note: This will be the very last chapter! I can't believe it! Thank you all so so much for sticking with me and supporting me! Now let's wrap this up! Enjoy!


Narcissa let go of him and took a step back.

"Of course, Ms Malfoy." Harry said, a bit surprised.

He looked at Draco, still standing behind his mother.

He was wearing his black suit and his hair was slicked back neatly. He was smiling at Harry shyly.

Narcissa looked at her son, then back at Harry.

"Draco, sweetheart, I have a friend here with whom I have to talk. I'll see you at home, alright?" She kissed his cheek and left before he could protest.

Harry was still standing still, looking at Draco. He was looking back at him, people were walking past them, going on with their day. But they didn't notice. It was just them.

"I know there are some things that have to be said..." Draco broke the silence. His voice was sweet and vulnerable. "...about us, I mean."

Harry nodded slowly.

"And I would like to say them..." he continued, "But I don't think this is the right place for that."

Harry nodded again. He could see the hurt in Draco's eyes.

"Maybe we could meet somewhere? If you'd let me, of course?"

Harry swallowed, "Yes. I would like that."

Draco's eyes lit up and a small smile of relieve appeared on his face. "Thank you. Ehm, I thought, we could go to the Three Broo-"

"Actually," Harry interrupted him, "I know a place. If that's okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Great, let me give you the address." He got out a ballpoint, he had taken a liking to muggle items recently, from an inside pocket of his dinner jacket, the only formal wear he was able to find for the trial, and took Draco's right wrist in his hand.

Draco was surprised by the sudden touch as Harry pushed up his sleeve as far as he could. He stood there, his arm stretched out, Harry writing on his arm, his strong hand still holding his wrist. They were closer than they'd been in a long time.

"I'll meet you there, say, eight?" Harry said as he took a step back.

Draco smiled. "Yes. Absolutely."


He looked at the clock. Seven forty. He was anxious.

Draco opened his closet for the millionth time that night. Was he wearing the right outfit?

He didn't want to appear too formal, but not too casual either. He wasn't sure what kind of conversation he was gonna have tonight.

He pulled off the white shirt he was wearing and threw it on his bed.

He stared at himself in the mirror.

He was wearing black dress pants, his torso uncovered.

His right arm still had the address on it, written in Harry's sloppy handwriting.

His left arm had the Dark Mark on him. He hadn't yet found a way to erase or even cover it. He didn't know if he'd ever would. He hoped so.

He really hoped so.

He looked through his closet again. His eyes fell on the sweater on his right. Harry's sweater, to be exact.

He stroked the collar gently. Would Harry still have his? How would he have reacted when he noticed it?

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