How could you?

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A/N: This will contain a lot of the scenes from The Battle Of The Astronomy Tower from the end of Half-Blood Prince. As you might understand I am not going to write all of that down so I'll skip over some things and address the important ones/the ones that differ a lot from what happens in the books. (Also I am not sure if all I write is accurate but literally who cares y'all are just here for gay fluff) Enjoy :)

Harry stood frozen. Hidden beneath the Invisibility Cloak and unable to move by the Body-Biding Curse.

"Draco," he heard Dumbledore say through the wooden ceiling above him. Behind it he saw Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore, his hand trembling.

"You don't have to do this, Draco." Dumbledore said again, his voice still very calm.

"Of course I have to." He answered. "Don't you understand?"

There was nothing Harry could do but stand there and listen to Dumbledore trying to talk Draco out of it, promising him to hide him and his family from Voldemort.

If only he'd convinced Draco to run away with him.

If only he could have told Dumbledore about his plan.

He looked up through the wood, he could now look directly at Draco's face, sadness and fear in his eyes. It hurt just looking at that.

He kept hoping. Hoping that maybe Draco'd have a change of heart. Hoping for something or someone to save them.

Then, more Death Eaters entered, all of them encouraging Draco to "just kill him".

Harry heard the pain in Draco's voice.

Eventually a dark shadow had appeared.

"Severus... Please..." Dumbledore begged.

"Avada Kedavra" a voice said. It wasn't Draco's. It was Snape. Immediately after he had said it Harry was able to move again.

This couldn't be true. Before he could even realize what had happened Snape was making his way down the stairs, pulling Draco behind him. He could see his pale, shocked face.

The Death Eaters followed them a few moments later. Harry hit one of them, Yaxley, he thought his name was, with a full body binding curse.

Harry then ran down the staircase and into the corridors, with terror in his heart, as he knew he had to catch Snape and the Death Eaters escaped before he escaped.

When he ran into the dimly lit corridor, it was full of dust and debris, as half the ceiling had fallen in, as the battle was violently raging, with several Hogwarts residents and the Order of the Phoenix duelling the Death Eaters.

Draco and Snape however, had passed through the violence somehow unscathed, due to the Order unaware of Snape's recent actions, instead believing that he and Draco were being pursued by the Death Eaters.

Snape ordered the remaining Death Eaters to escape. Harry pursues them further down onto the grounds.

After hitting the Impediment Jinx on the Carrows it was just him, Draco and Snape now, the rest of the Death Eaters either still duelling inside or with Hagrid.

"Draco, go. I'll handle this." Snape said.

Harry looked at him. Draco standing between them, staring at him. He didn't move a muscle.

"Leave Potter and go!" Snape said again, this time more bothered.

Harry made his way towards Draco, their eyes locked.

Before he knew it he grabbed hold of his arm tightly and pushed his wand against Draco's chin.

"How could you?" Harry said quietly.

The sounds around them dimmed away until it was just them looking at each other. Harry's hand trembled as he was still clenching his wand.

"Do it..." Draco whispered softly, "It's okay, I deserve it..."

Harry stared at him angrily.

He hated Draco.

He hated that he had hurt Dumbledore. He hated that he had joined the Death Eaters. He hated that he was filled with prejudices and lacked empathy and that he had treated so many people so horribly.

But most of all Harry hated how much he loved him. How much he had gotten to know him. He now knew that that wasn't the real Draco. That it was just the outcome of his parents' believes, not his own.

Draco still looked at him, his eyes scared and his jaw clenched.

"I couldn't do it, you know..." he whispered again. "Dumbledore was right, I couldn't do it... I kept thinking..."

Before he could say anything more Draco was pulled away from him and he was blown backwards.

"Run, you fool!" Snape told Draco and so he did.

Harry saw him disappear into the night as his mind snapped back to reality. His body was now filled with rage as he attacked Snape with spell after spell, anything to avenge Dumbledore's death. The scumbag deserved it.


Dumbledore was dead.

Snape was the Half-Blood prince.

Hagrid's Hut had been badly damaged by the fire.

Bill was attacked by Fenrir Greyback.

Slytherin's locket was a fake.

Draco was gone.

That was all Harry had been able to think about. He was now sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for Dumbledore's funeral to begin.

Every now and then he'd feel someone place a hand on his shoulder or whisper "my condoleances" in his ear, not that he cared.

Ron and Hermione were sitting to his left, Hermione's hand placed on his.

Ginny and Luna sat down on his other side. Luna was wearing a soft pink dress, unlike all the other people dressed in black.

"I think it's what Dumbledore would have wanted." She explained when Ron gave her a questioning look.

Hermione was about to say something but Harry beat her to it. "I think so too, Luna." He said with a smile.

Luna was probably the only person that could make him smile in these times, he thought. It was one of her best characteristics.

Harry caught a glimpse Pansy who was sitting down in one of the back corners. He knew she had to miss him too...

Because even after all he did, he still missed Draco.

He was worried about what had happened to him and wondered what was to come.


Draco was sitting on a chair around the big black table. He could feel the cold steal through his clothes. His hands were folded on his lap and his eyes looked straight forward, fixed on the grey wall.

A cold hand gripped his shoulder.

"You disappointed me, Draco." The raspy voice said as the fingers pressed harder into him. "You disobeyed my direct orders."

Draco didn't move or say anything, he knew Voldemort wasn't waiting for an excuse.

"My Lord," Snape said from his other side, he was the only one else in the dark dungeon, "I understand your anger, but Dumbledore is dead. Draco may not be the killer, but it couldn't have been done without him."

"Yes, yes. I am aware of that, Severus." Voldemort continued as he lifted his hand away from Draco's shoulder. "But I do believe a form of punishment should be given."

Draco took a deep breath, his shoulders still tense.

This was inevitable. He was lucky he wasn't dead already.

"Crucio." Voldemort said as excruciating pain hit Draco.

He cramped up and whimpered. It felt like his bones were on fire.

Tears ran down his cheeks as the torture continued. He screamed until he blacked out.

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