Do you wanna?

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A/N: More smut coming :) Won't be very explicit because I cannot write that lmao. Enjoy!

"Draco?" Harry said as he walked towards him.

He looked up at the sound of his name and quickly wiped away his tears. "I-I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm a mess."

"No no, it's okay." Harry whispered as he sat down next to him and put his arm around his shoulder. Draco shivered.

"C-congratulations on the game." He said, his voice still trembling.

"Screw quidditch. Why are you crying? Here of all places?"

Draco sniffed and placed his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm just... going through something. I think."

Harry hated seeing Draco so sad, but he couldn't help the smile forming on his face as he smelled his hair.

He kissed his head. "Do you wanna go somewhere? Somewhere a bit more... private?"

Draco smiled and nodded. "You think you can leave your celebration party?"

"Oh shut up." Harry laughed, "It's not my party."

Draco lifted his head at stared into green eyes. "It's not not your party." He said with a grin. "You deserve it though. You're the captain."

Harry blushed. Maybe his feelings for Draco were a little stronger than he had initially thought they were. Maybe he liked it.

He placed a hand on Draco's neck and kissed him softly. The blond, though a little caught off guard, kissed back.

"Wanna go to the Room of Requirement?" Harry whispered against Draco lips.

Instead of an answer he got another kiss. They smiled at each other.

They stood up and Harry was about to go around the corner, holding Draco's hand, when he was stopped.

Draco let go of his hand and clenched his teeth. "We should probably go separately."

"Oh. Right." Harry answered, the words hurt him more than he'd expected. "See you in five?"

Draco nodded and waited for Harry to go. A minute later he left as well.


Draco was staring at the wall as it slowly changed into a wooden door. He put his hand on the handle and pushed, part of him afraid he wouldn't find Harry but the room he's been visiting the whole year.

He shook his head and entered.

"Hi" Harry said as he looked at him with a big smile.

"Hey" Draco looked around the room: there was a crackling fire to his right with a tapestry in front of it, the couch Harry was sitting on, and to his left a big bed with throw pillows.

"I didn't know what you wanted, really... I hope this is okay."

Draco nodded. Of course this was okay. He had Harry all to himself.

He sat down next to him on the couch.

"So, ehm." Harry cleared his throat. "Are you okay now? I mean, do you want to talk about it?"

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