What's next?

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A/N: I'm finally back! This chapter will have just a little bit of smut near the end. Enjoy:)

Draco stared at the schoolboard in front of him, barely taking in what Slughorn was telling the class. The past two weeks he hadn't thought about anything but that stupid kiss. That amazing kiss. Harry and him hadn't spoken since that night.

Luckily no one else knew. He had been quiet when spending time with Pansy and Blaise and Harry hadn't told anyone either. He trusted him.

When he carefully shot a look at him across the great hall each morning nothing seemed different. Weasley and Granger still looked as annoying as always and Harry still joined in with their conversations.

There was just one moment where he and Harry made eye contact. It lasted just a few seconds but Draco could clearly see the hurt and confusion in his eyes before they quickly turned back to his plate.

"Thorns", he heard someone mutter.


"Thorns" Pansy whispered again, this time elbowing him softly.

"Mr. Malfoy, could you please answer my question?" Slughorn said.

"Sorry sir, I didn't quite hear you."

"I asked, which part of a rose do we use when making Amortentia?"

"Thorns" Pansy whispered again.

"Oh. We use the thorns." Draco said, finally answering Slughorn's question, "Although Zygmunt Budge suggested to use the petals since these will make the potion last longer."

"Haha! Someone has already done their reading! Very impressive, 15 points to Slytherin!"

Draco smiled kindly at the professor, but couldn't care less about the points.

"Show off" Pansy smiled, "You could try it though."

"What?" Draco whispered.

"Using Amortentia to get Potter."

"Shut up Pansy, Merlin." Draco hissed.

"I can tell you keep thinking about him."

He kept quiet.

"Blaise too. Even Crabbe and Goyle notice something is different about you. It sucks that you're not telling us. At least tell me. I promise I wo-"

"Miss Parkinson, I would hate to take away the points I have just given Slytherin." Slughorn suddenly interrupted. "Please say silent."

"Sorry sir." Pansy said with a big smile but rolled her eyes at Draco when the professor turned away.

Draco quickly grabbed some parchment and scribbled something on it. He decided he couldn't ignore his stupid feelings anymore.


Harry exited the classroom as soon as McGonagall told her class they could leave.

Ron and Hermione followed him and continued their conversation about the upcoming quidditch game. Harry was about to make some comments when he was distracted by blond hair.

Draco was walking towards him making direct eye contact, ignoring Pansy's rambling.

Harry's heart was beating like crazy and he couldn't stop staring at the grey eyes.

As the they passed each other Harry felt Draco's hand on his. It lasted less that a second but he still managed to grab the parchment Draco handed him.

Harry looked back and watched them go around the corner, probably heading towards their common room.

"Just leave them, mate."

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