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A/N: This chapter is like a compilation of what happens in the Deathly Hallows (between Harry and Draco obviously). Enjoy xxx

Harry was leaning back in his chair, watching the people dance on the dancefloor. Bill and Fleur were laughing with Molly and Arthur and Ginny was dancing with Hermione.

There were many more people at the wedding, but his eyes fell to a couple in the back. He didn't recognise them.

It were two men, one with black hair, one with blond hair.

They were dancing and smiling at each other. Kissing each other or brushing their noses together every now and then.

"You okay, Harry?" Ron asked.

"Yeah," he said, snapping back to reality, "Hey, eh, who are those men over there?" He nodded his head to the couple.

Ron turned his head towards them. "Honestly, mom has invited so many people, I don't even know half of them. I think that the one with the black hair is my third cousin twice removed? The other one is his husband."

"...and everyone is okay with that?" Harry asked carefully.

"Okay with what? The fact that they're both blokes?"

Harry nodded.

"Yes, of course. I mean, some of the elderly family members are close minded, but I don't think there's ever been actual trouble or something."

Harry wondered how people would react if he told them about him liking guys. Not the general public, but his friends and family.

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Oh. Just curious."


"Harry..." Hermione said softly, the snow blurring her voice.

He walked to her, the voices singing Christmas songs in the church in the background.

He looked at the grave Hermione was standing at.

"In loving memory of  James Potter - Lily Potter" it read.

Hermione hooked her arm in his and laid her head on his shoulder.

Harry stared at the grave, reminiscing all the knew of his parents.

He wondered what they would have thought of him. If he had been a different person if they had raised him. How would not being the chosen one have affected him?

Would he still have been friends with Hermione? And Ron? Would he have been a better person? Or would he have been worse? Would he have met Remus sooner? Would Sirius still be alive?

Would he still have fallen for Draco?

He probably would. Maybe their relationship would have been less... complicated.

He wondered if his parents would have approved of him. His sexuality.

He really hoped they would.


Draco was waiting anxiously. The Death Eaters had just gotten word of some group of "rebels".

His house no longer felt like home. He had taken over the most part. Every room now contained terrible memories.

Torture, death, the most horrible people he had ever met, and now the Lovegood girl was locked in his basement.

He felt bad for her, he really did. He just didn't know what to do about it. He didn't know a lot of things.

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