Goku Black Saga Trunks x pregnant wife reader reader

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Description: Being Trunks wife alone is dangerous but being pregnant with his child is even more dangerous especially when Black find out.

No-ones pov

Panting you ran along side Trunks mother Bulma. Holding your swollen stomach you gasped as Black appeared in front of you and Bulma grinning evilly "going somewhere ladies?"

Bulma glared at him and stood in front of you. Only to gasp as Zamusa lifted her up by the neck. 

Black approaches you and your e/c eyes filled with fear and you slowly backed away from him. Bulma seeing this  shouted "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

You sobbed and held your stomach hoping to protect your mother in law and your unborn baby. 

Black lifted you up and chuckled before taking off into the sky. He landed near a destroyed building.

Suddenly the time machine appeared and Trunks, Goku and Vegeta came out of it Trunks gasped. Before he growled lowly seeing Black holding you by your neck.

Your fear filled e/c eyes locked onto his blue ones "Trunks!" You shouted. He growled lowly at Black "let y/n go!" Black chuckled and tightened his grip on you.

"Please she's pregnant!" Black smirked as Zamusa flew by his side "double the kill" then he chuckled looking at your stomach.

" oh it will be three kills at once I see!" Trunks eyes widened "twins" he thought. Your protective instincts kicked in and within seconds you threw you head back hitting Black.

He yelped in pain dropping you and you smiled weakly clutching your stomach. Before Trunks appeared in front of you and caught you. 

Looking up into his eyes you sobbed into his chest and he pet your h/c hair softly shushing you.

Handing you to his father from the past he growled. Snapping his head up and looking at Black and Zamusa in anger.

First they messed with his mom then his mate and unborn cubs he snarled.

Oh he was gonna make them pay.......

Edited on Tuesday 27th August 2024

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