Chapter 3

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"Hey. Can I help you?" The boy said. "Uh. Yea. I was wondering about your room for rent sign out there." I said. He looked at me up and down. "Oh that! Um well I wasn't really looking for a roommate right now..." He said shutting his door. I stuck my foot out holding the door. "Look. I'm not asking you to marry me or sleep with me alright? I'm lost and all I need right now is somewhere to stay until the blizzard dies down okay? And plus it's Christmas. Don't you want to do something nice for someone maybe?" I said smiling a sweet puppy dog smile. He stood there for a few seconds then slammed the door straight in my face. "Fine! I hope you get coal for Christmas!" I yelled sliding down the wall until I sat down in the middle of the hallway. Suddenly I heard a few locks and the door reopened. "...Get in" the boy said. I sat straight up and ran inside.
I looked around the semi small apartment. I saw two small windows where the rent sign laid and beside that was the tv with a bare Christmas tree next to it, no decorations whatsoever. Just a bare tree. The kitchen was tiny and the two sofas in the living room looked like they've been through some rough times. On the other side was a narrow hallway probably leading to the bathroom and the bedroom. There was also shelf upon shelf of action figures. All from Marvel to The Avengers. I sat down on the rugged couch and waited for a conversation. "My name is Estelle." I said trying to talk something up. "Mason" he said sitting with his coffee and fiddling with the remote. It was quite again. You could feel the awkwardness fill the room. "So are you going to do anything for the holidays?" I asked. "Nope" he replied again clearly not wanting to continue a conversation at all. After a while of channel surfing and awkward silence he finally spoke. "Okay if I am going to let you stay for who knows how long, I need to know that your not some kind of psychotic murderer you know?" He said. "Okay fair deal. What do you need to know?" I asked. "Well you're not a psychotic murderer are you?" He asked. "No. I don't believe so. But who knows if you steal my hot chocolate there might be some problems." I said. Getting somewhat of a hidden smile from him. "Okay good" he said.
I walked to the window looking out and seeing the blizzard getting ten times worse than it was five minutes ago. "Looks like we'll be getting to know each other a lot better." I said. "Wait why?" "Because it doesn't look as if we will be leaving this building anytime soon." I said pointing out the heavy snowfall banging on the window. I sighed and so did he.
Once again I sat on the couch and started to talk. He looked at me paying attention for a few seconds then turned away. "I really like peppermint. Oh there was this one time my best friend and I played a game where we tried to catch the peppermints..." Estelle started and then stopped when realizing he wasn't really listening. "Mhm yea" Mason said with monotone. "You have the attention span of a goldfish" I said. Estelle rolled her eyes as Mason continued watching tv.
I walked around and went to his action figures. "I didn't know full grown men like to collect dolls?" I smiled. "They're not dolls!" He loudly replied getting up. "Oh sorry my mistake. They're 'Things that keep women away from me' action figures" I laughed. "No! I'll have you know that they are NOT the reason why women leave me. And don't touch that!" He said snatching one of the action figures out of my hand. "Sooo you're still admitting women usually leave you." I teased. "No!" "But you just said...!" I laughed. "You are so annoying" he got up and went back to the couch. I rolled my eyes and slightly laughed.

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