Chapter 12 - Cooking with the Lewser.

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Kaycee's POV:

"Okay now let's add the eggs." Sean says pushing the bowl towards me.

I take the bowl and pull the egg carton and take 4 eggs and crack them and put it in the bowl. We were currently in the Lew's kitchen and I was helping Sean make breakfast for the elderly he serves every weekend. When he told me he did this and it's been going on for almost 2 months, I was surprised. I didn't think he'd be someone who did charity work like this but then the guy is full of surprises. 

I added the eggs and mixed the batter. We decided that I was going to make the pancakes while he cooked the eggs. This whole morning was so much fun that I completely lost track of time. Just as I was going to pour the batter onto the pan, my phone rang. 


"KAYCEE!!?? Where are you?" Delaney exclaimed from the other side. Crap. I completely lost track of time and forgot about our shopping trip.

"Crap. Dee I'm so sorry. I went jogging and I met Sean and one thing led to the other and now I'm helping him cook breakfast for the elderly." I tell her in a rush.

"Kaycee. Calm down. It's fine. Once your done with whatever you are doing, come home and we can go shopping after lunch maybe." She says "I just wish you would have told me."

"I'm sorry Dee. I'll come home as soon as possible." I tell her and hang up. I see Sean looking at me.

"Everything okay Kayc??" 

"Yeah. My sister and I were supposed to go shopping after breakfast today. But I completely forgot about it and now we rescheduled it to after lunch."

"Oh crap. I'm so sorry. You can go if you want to. I don't want to hold you back." He says looking genuinely sorry.

"No it's fine. We can do it later. I better get started on these pancakes." 

"Yeah sure." For the next 40 minutes we work to make breakfast for about 50+ people and it was amazing. He was so funny and I really liked spending time with him. Mid-way of breakfast, his sisters Serris and Sarah come down along with his parents. They were very sweet and were shocked to see me nevertheless. But after we spoke for a bit they were very welcoming. After we finished making breakfast with Serris and Sarah helping we packed them up in little boxes and loaded them into Sean's car.

There wasn't a lot of space in his car so we decided that he and I will go in his car and his sisters would ride with his parents. We reached the elderly home and distributed all the food packages. After we were done, Sean's sisters and parents left. I went behind them thinking it was time to leave, but Sean pulled me back. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Wait. We don't have to go yet."

"What do you mean Sean?"

"Well, usually after we distribute the food, I stay back and have breakfast with them. It's fun talking to them. And since you helped me make breakfast today, I thought we could do it together." He tells me scratching his neck. "I mean you don't have to. I thought -"

I hug him mid-sentence and say, "I would love to Sean."

He smiles and says, "Great. Come on then."

Sean's POV:

"There's someone who I'd like you to meet." I tell Kaycee while we were getting breakfast. She nods and smiles at me. Ugh that smile. What is wrong with me? I just broke up with Tati. I cannot be in another relationship right now. I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts and I guide Kaycee to meet Dorothy. 

Dorothy is one of the elders that lived in this house. She's a retired dancer and that's what drew me to her in the first place. Eventually I started talking to her and now we've become really good friends. She's got so much wisdom and every time I had a problem, I'd always go to her.

"Seanie boy!!! Come give your old friend a hug!" Dorothy says as I walk up to her.

"Hey Dorothy." She beams at me

"So how have you been? How are the migos??"

"I'm great and their doing fine. I actually have someone who I want you to meet." Kaycee comes behind me and Dorothy does a once-over and smiles up at her.

"Who's this fine lady? Is she your girlfriend Sean?" Both Kaycee and I blush at that and she says,

"Hi. I'm Kaycee. Nice to meet you ma'am." While I say, "She's not my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you too Kaycee. And darling, please, call me Dorothy." 

"Thank you Dorothy." She turns to me, "You don't think you can handle me Lew?"

I smirk at her and say, " Nah. It's the other way round."

" You keep telling yourself that." 

"Aww. This is adorable." Dorothy gushes which makes us turn back to her. 

"Why don't you tell me something about yourself dear." Kaycee goes on to tell her about herself. We talk to Dorothy for a bit while having breakfast. Once we were done, Kaycee helped me clean up and we were ready to head out. I went over to hug goodbye to Dorothy and once I was done she hugged Kaycee which surprised the both of us.

"Goodbye dears! Drive safe Sean and you have to bring Kaycee back here next week." She turns to Kaycee and says, 

"It was wonderful speaking to you dear. You will come again next week, won't you?" Dorothy asks her.

"Of course I will." Kaycee replies.

We bid goodbye to all the elders and head out with her leading the way to the parking lot.

What a morning.

AN: That's another chapter y'all!!! I hope you guys liked it. This was really fun to write and the next one will probably be the shopping trip with Kaycee and Delaney.

Make sure you guys vote and share this book. We are almost at 1k views. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE?? You guys are absolutely amazing and I'm am so grateful for you guys. We are at 60 votes right now but I think we can hit a 100 votes by the next few chapters.

I love you guys and I will see you in the next chapter.

Peace, xx


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