Chapter 13 - Shopping

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Kaycee's POV:

Sean shuts the engine and turns towards me.

"Thanks for all your help today." He says with a smile.

"I'm glad I could help Sean. I would really like to do this again next week. If it's okay with you."

"Yeah sure. Besides Dorothy would not spare me if I didn't" he chuckles.

"Yeah she wouldn't." I smile at him. "Well, I better get going. See you soon Sean. And thank you again for today."

"No prob Kayc." I get out the car and make my way to the front door. I turn and wave bye while he waves back and starts the engine and speeds off. I unlock the door and go inside.

"Dee!! I'm home." 

"I'm in the kitchen Kayc!!!" I go to the kitchen to see her stirring something in a pot.

"Hey ricebowl!! How was your morning?" I go over and give her a hug.

"Great. I'll tell you all about it later cause I really need to take a shower." 

"Yeah. You stink."

I give her a playful shove and grab a water bottle from the fridge and make my way upstairs. 

~After her shower~

I dry my hair using my towel and throw it in the hamper. I go downstairs following the delicious aroma of spaghetti and meatballs.

"Smells great in here." I tell Delaney and help her serve the food.

"I made my famous Spaghetti and Meatballs for ya."

"This is why I love you." We sit on the couch and watch The Bachelor while eating.

After we were done eating, we cleaned up and I went upstairs to grab my jacket. 

I got the keys to my car and went down to the basement. I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram while I was waiting for my sister. As I was going through my feed, I got a notification.

@BaileySok wants to follow you

I smile at that and accept her follow request.

"Ready to go?" Delaney says coming through the garage door.

"Yup." I get in the driver's seat, start the engine and back out the garage.

~At the store~

Ugh!! Why is it so difficult to choose between these two blinds. Their somewhat the same in a way but I'm really indecisive if you can't tell already so it's taking me some time to choose between the two. Right now we are at Target and we were just some things that we need for our new house as well as some organising bits for my bedroom and bathroom.

I was walking down the stationary aisle looking for school supplies when I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." I apologise to the person who I bumped into.

"Oh. That's okay. I didn't - " He looks up at me and says, "Wait a minute. Kaycee Rice?"

I look at him confused. "I'm sorry but how do you know me?"

"You auditioned for A-troupe yesterday."

"Oh right. I'm sorry but I don't recognise you."

"That's cool. I didn't audition. I'm a choreographer and I actually teach classes at the studio."

"Wow. That's awesome. What classes do you teach?"

"Mainly hip hop. But I also do a little bit of contemporary."

"Nice. I love both of them."

"Actually I'm teaching a class tomorrow. You could come if you wanted to. It's in the studio so you don't have to go far."

"Oh okay. Yeah I'll be sure to check it out. I'm sorry but what's your name again?"

"Gabe. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to Gabe. I better get going. I'll see you in class."

"Yea see you then. Bye Kaycee."


I make my way over to Delaney, my cart now full with all that we need and we go over to the cashier to pay for our things. After we payed we went to unload everything into my car which actually took sometime cause we had A LOT of things to unload. Once we were done with that, we hopped in and I drove back home cause today was the first day of being part of A-troupe.

I can't wait

AN: What's up you guys!!!! I know, I know. Y'all are probably thinking, Heba where the hell were you? I honestly have no answer to that. I have been procrastinating SO much for writing this chapter and I don't even know why. But it's finally done and I promise that the next one will be out soon.

On a completely other note, I met a few fellow seaycee shippers on Instagram and oh my god they are the absolute best. I loved talking to them and if any of you guys wanna have a chat with me then hit me up on Instagram at @_hbiiiii_ . I would love to talk to you guys. Also shoutout to @kimdianne_19 for recommending those people to me. Love ya girl! 💖💖 Make sure that you guys check her book out as well!!

Also another completely weird note. I turn 16 tomorrow!! 😊😂😅🤦‍♀️

Ok I'm done

Until next time, xx


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