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Honestly I don't know what this is- but I have Grammarly now so heyyyy fewer typos am I right?

How are you? Is everything alright? This is your reminder to drink a glass of water, eat something if you haven't and take a nap or go to sleep if you haven't slept in 24 hours. Take care of yourself, please.

Genre: Angsty Lemon with a sprinkle of Fluff

Ship: Kiribaku

Length: Normal (2700)

Ending: Happy

Trigger Warnings: Self-esteem issues, Alcohol, (very little) sexual harassment

Let's begin...


Bakugou was someone who didn't give a shit about what people said or thought about him. Many would be jealous of his Self-esteem, staring at him from far away, wishing they could be like him. Not that his personality was one to look up to, the blonde was everything other than a good idol in that Example.

His explosive emotions, his rough exterior, - if you knew him well, you knew that all of that was just a facade, a wall to shut his real self from the real life of. He hid behind walls of anger, brushed everyone that wanted to get too close to him off, pushed the People that he cared for away by accident. He'd say that he didn't care when they left, that they annoyed him anyways, that he didn't need them in the first place. But that was a lie. Sometimes, when he sat alone in his room, with crossed legs on his bed, he thought he even cared too much.

The Old Hag, as he liked to call his mother, had always taught him one thing. "If you want to be the best, to be the number one, you have no time for feelings. Feelings make you slow, weak. Tears make you vulnerable, weak. When you want to be the best, you have no space for emotions." It stuck to him, as she said it again and again, like a broken record. And that's why he did what he did. He just ignored all his feelings, he always did. If that was good in the long run? He didn't care. At least, before he broke down. Because, surprise, bottling up emotions for a long time causes emotional meltdowns. But Bakugou was also extremely stubborn. "I can deal with this once a month" and thus, he just continued, acting as if everything was fine, being the angry, loud, explosive Boy he always was.

This worked so long until he fell in love. With someone he probably shouldn't have. Someone he deeply cared for and didn't want to lose. Kirishima Eijirou. When he got into College, this redhaired Idiot had managed to befriend him in a week, and since then never left. It confused Bakugou how someone so nice and genuine would want to hang out with someone like him. Over the Years, the two got closer and closer, and the blonde got even more irritated.

Why did this Idiot not leave by now? Why did he stay? Why did he volunteer to this Torture of staying friends with him?

His walls slowly began to shake, as Kirishima build his way into his soul, stone by stone, slow and steady. He became more open, vulnerable around him. The Redhead didn't take advantage of this, he just supported him, enjoying how much more Human he seemed. This was something only the two of them had, nobody ever was this close to him, not even his parents.

Bakugou would lie if he said he didn't cherish his friendship with the redhead.

It took months for him to realize what was happening to him. Why he felt so excited and tingly when he was near him. Why he analyzed his every move, noticed little details about him, felt calmed by his voice, felt safe in his arms. In that night, he couldn't sleep. His Mind was so overwhelmed and scared, it made him sick. That was exactly what his old had warned him about. He was weak, distracted, vulnerable, and slow. It fucked with his head, made him restless and jumpy. Bakugou tried to stay away from him, missing him the second day already. He'd never thought he would be so addicted to a person. It hurt his heart physically not being next to him, not hearing his stupid laugh, not seeing the spark in his eyes, not feeling his stupid arm swing around his shoulders. He hated it, he hated it so much.

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