Episode Six, Part 2:

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Episode Six, Part 2:
Do This For Me

This love is good, this love is bad, 
this love is alive back from the dead. 
These hands had to let it go free, but 
this love came back to me. 

Sol waited at the side of Kodiak's bed, holding onto his hand as she had been for most of the night. Everyone else had already woken up and learned the news that Elara was safe and most importantly, alive, but because the Sovereign had been whacked over the head, he was taking longer than everyone else to come to. 

The instant he began to stir, Sol was sitting up in her seat, eyes focusing solely on him. She wondered if he would remember straight away, or if his injury would block that part of the day out of his mind. 

Kodiak's eyelids began to flutter and he moved a hand up towards his head, obviously feeling the surge of pain as it returned to him. 

There was a name on his lips, slowly mumbling out of him until it became clear and he pushed himself to sit up, eyes wide open, not even realising where he was first. 

"Elara!" He panted, searching around the room for her, unable to catch sight of the red, headed girl. 

His vision settled on Sol, recalling the last thing she had said to him, and he whipped his hand away from hers in resentment. 

"Get away from me," he spat, scooting further away from the side of the bed that she was by. 

"Kodi, just listen to me for a moment-" 

"No!" His misery tore out of him, pushing himself to his feet and trying to get as far from her as he could. Sol stood up as well, cautiously trying to approach him, glad that he hadn't made a run for the door. 

"You were supposed to keep her safe!" He yelled. "You're the Nobel. This is on you, Riverly!" 


"I loved her and you let her get away! I lost her, I-" 

"Elara's alive!" Sol pleaded to him, her voice roaring louder than his. Kodiak froze, his breath hitching in his throat, trying to make sense of what he had heard. His heart was on a fine line. 

"Don't lie to me just to get me to calm down. Not even for a moment-" 

"I'm not!" Sol promised. "I swear on my life that she's alive. Nothing's happened to her." 

It took Kodiak a few moments to compose himself, to try and wrap his head around Elara being okay, but he couldn't understand what Sol was doing to him. Why had she said that at the dams? Why would she put him through the worst kind of pain imaginable? 

"Why the hell did you tell me she was dead?" He spat, a betrayal burning deep between them. 

"How could you do that to me?" He shook his head, realising that it wasn't what mattered right then. "Where is she!? I have to be with her." 

"She's safe with her brothers. We'll get to them soon," she informed him, knowing it wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. 

"No, I want to be there now! I don't care about anything you have to say to me-" Kodiak avoided her eyes, trying to push past her and leave the room, but he was abruptly stopped. Sol pushed her hand against the door, her foot doing the same on the floor making it impossible for him to open it. 


"I know. I hurt you," she said, the softening her voice, "I'm sorry.

Kodiak rolled his eyes, not wanting to see anything genuine in her regret. 

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