Chapter 3-The Glade

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I stare at the leader, memorizing his appearance, his face not thin, but squared, wide but sharp, a head that held some hair, dark and short cropped, clean, shaven face, holding a permanent scowl on his lips, eyes dark, scanning my very soul, I couldn't look at the rest of him and give him the satisfaction of me taking a look at his body, he stands, arms folded and eyes set in stone on me, I stare at him "what kind of deal?" I ask finally, my moment of looking at him taking only a mere second, matching the time of the other two. "We will let you go, answer your questions, only if you promise no more hitting, running and you answer one of our questions" he raises an eyebrow "deal?" He asks, holding out a hand, I stare at it, I had nothing else to do, I had to find answers without violence, I reluctantly shake his hand "deal" I state, both boys release a breath of relief, I stand there, he motions to me, the boys holding me hostage immediately cut the rope wrapping around my wrists, I quickly bring my hands forward, rubbing them as I glare at the two. I give them harsh, hateful daggers, they back away slowly, I face the leader "me first" I am the first to speak, he waits "who are you?" I ask "I'm Alby, I'm the leader around here" he answers, I was right "and you are?" He asks "I... I don't know" I admit, but my eyes flicker to the boy on his right "who are they?" I ask, snapping my head to the boys at his side "this is Thomas, he was the Greenie before you" he tips his head to the boy on his right "this is Newt. He's the leader if I am not around" he nods his head to the boy on his left, I don't make eye contact, I flick my arm forward, pointing a finger "he knows my name, is he the one that sent me here?" I growl, Thomas pales, stepping back slightly, the two other boys look his way "you do?" Alby asks, tone overwhelmed with accusation "I know her name but I don't know her, or remember her, her names Rose" he tells them, they don't face me "it's like seeing her face triggered a memory that only lasted a second, and it was of her name". He tries to explain "so, you're not the one who brought me here?" I ask, hands clenched, my anger slowly slipping, along with my stiff stance "no, I was brought here the day before you" he answers, I realized my actions towards him were completely uncalled for, I punched an innocent man, my curled fists fall completely limb, I stare at the boy named Thomas, my mouth agape, I stare right into his soft brunette eyes, I see nothing but a small twinge of fear, I blink, realizing what I had done. I feel small tears take my eyes, but I quickly blink them away before they could be seen, I face the ground "I'm sorry, Thomas" I apologize, looking into his eyes so he knew I meant it, his eyes meet mine again and they are only filled with forgiveness, he even gives me a small smile "hey, at least we know you have one heck of a right hook" he jokes, I slowly allow my lips to form smile for him, I even chuckle a bit, a boy runs up behind Alby, staring at me, I let my smile linger. He was a short, chubby kid, but he held a beauty in him, for his round face and big brown eyes showed his true innocence, his hair was just like Thomas and Newt, messy, wild, matted against his whole forehead, his hair loosely curled, his face shiny with sweat, he sends me a small grin, I mirror him, Alby looks next to him, seeing the boy, he faces me, my eyes flickering back to him "why don't you have someone show you around? Tell you about the place? Then we will figure out what to make of you?" Alby suggests. I think about it, then smile slightly "sure" I agree, he nods and walks away "pick whoever you want" he calls back as he walks away, I stand there, facing the two, then the boy, I smile as I walk over to him, he stands there, I bend over and put my hands on my knees, hovering an inch or two away from the boy's face, my bending over is making me the same height as him "hello" I greet, my voice sweet and kind, he smiles "what's your name?" I ask "name's Chuck, you?" He asks "my name's Rose". I smile "nice to meet you" Chuck smiles warmly "tell you what, since you seem to be a nice gentleman, why don't you show me around?" I ask, he stares at me, face flushing red "you think I'm a gentleman?" He asks, I smile, I lean in and place a small kiss on his cheek, I stand up fully, seeing the wide eyes and red glow he holds on his face, I smile down at him "come on, Chuck, show me around" I take his hand, he smiles "yeah! Guess who got kissed before you guys! This guy! The one younger than you shanks!". He boast, I roll my eyes and smile fondly at the boy, he pulls me away, starting his tour, we walk towards the wall, he walks with slight speed, telling me he was excited, I try to keep up, he doesn't say anything until we are standing right in front of the wall, he turns me around, only then do I see we are surrounded by four exact walls, all towering above us in a frightening majesty, but, I also see the bodies of scattered boys and the roofs of small huts "welcome to the Glade".

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