Chapter 40-Alive

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A great well of flowing emotions fuel inside my being surveying up upon those diamonds sprinkling the sky, which imprisoned the darkest of blues and purples, mixing together to form this admirable galaxy glaze, I feel his eyes lay upon me, gawking a bit, I turn away from the spectacle of nighttime to connect with his eyes, which observe upon me with an unconversant look, we become strayed with each other's hues, not provoking to disaffiliate our holding gaze, but a susurration draws us away, transforming our hues into vindication, but they depart once Chuck enters, I smile with enamore. He smirks once he spots us "should I leave for privacy or..." He trails, clearly quipping, I roll my eyes and motion him with my hand "come over here you little shank" I titter, he chuckles and rushes over to affiliate us, plopping down upon my lap, I gaze down at him, hair framing around my vision, I stroke his cheeks, loving him the way a sibling would, he grants my slim fingers to frolic with his truculent hair, he yawns languorously, not even bothering to cup his mouth "it looks to me like it's time for this mate's bedtime". Newt chortles, I gleam a bit at him "sing for me?" Chuck requests, I send him a startled look "but I don't remember any lullabies" I expostulate "I won't go to sleep until you sing" he remarks mulishly "I don't even think I know how to sing" I object strongly, he moues and folds his arms over his chest, I sway my gaze towards Newt, begging for aid, he only pantomimies me, I exhale and consider what to sing, flashing in the void of my anamnesis, was an opaque of a larynx, serenading just off the peripheral of my perception. Echoing the shifting croon of the inconspicuous tune "somewhere over the rainbow, way up high" I quaver, softly at first, but I build with boldness as I further along, my sudden sound dawns disillusion upon Chuck and Newt "there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby, oh, somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, clouds high, over the rainbow, make all your dreams come true" I endear his cheek, gifting him with the credence of my parley "ooh, someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me, where troubles melt like lemon drops". I regard the torpid eyelids that moil to stay tentie, but it was unprofitable, I smirk genuinely as his eyes droop to a slow close "high above the chimney tops, that's where you'll..." I dwindle my articulation "find... Me" it barely debouches as a mutter, his head goes palling with enervate, fatigue finally grasping him further into torpor, I beam down at him, poisoning with a yawn myself, I meticulously lift Chuck slumbering body off of my own and too stretch out my body along the grass, Newt mimicks, laying just a foot's distance away, unanticipatedly, he turns. I gaze upon the welkin above me, detecting no other granduer, but that was before I sway my gaze upon the boy next to me, looking across to him, he mimicks my observance towards the heavens, not yet aware of me, the boy of pulchritude, but, he turns towards me, catching my gaze, I am almost wayward once again, but, I shyly crack my lips in a swift quirk of my corners and turn away, trusting the tenebrosity of twilight to conceal me, I close my eyes, granting permission for the snare of the blossoms of dreamland blanket my vision, I delay for intellection. "Rose" comes the faint but dour call of a woman, estranged to me, but portenting me, as if fretful of my well-being, I try to decipher a face, colors, the smallest twinge of expression, but I find lips, soft, smooth pink lips, not youthful nor venerable, patenting perceptiveness, her lips move with her words as they loom with an echo in my ears "pretty faces hold demons, jealousy resides in those who have everything and revenge lies in those who bare no enemies" she recites almost robotically "from now on, you have made your side. Everything is going to change" she halts "Rose, wake up!", "Rose! Wake up!" Comes a waking call, a shake around my shoulders snapping me into the waking world, pivoting away from my confounding dreamland, I veer my eyes open, blinking briskly, I find Newt standing over me, eyes agog, I sit up expeditiously, vigilant "love, the Walls are about to open" he edifies me, I hastily spring to life, finding Chuck too already standing, we walk to where the Maze Walls would reveal their inner secrets to us, all Gladers doing so also, all discomposed for their dearly beloved brothers. As we all horde around the entrance that has yet to open, I glimpse anents the rangi, discovering the heavens not bearing dawn, a roar reverberates throughout the Glade, guided with a dynamic clank, signalling an opening Maze "guys!" Chuck hollers, calling recognition of the opening doors, we all suppress closer together, our dithery emitting into the atmosphere with simplicity, the doors inchmeally open, a small crack in the wall becomes visible to all as we lie in wait, Chuck stands just at the crack of the entrance, Newt stands to his left, I stand next to Newt's left, antsy as can be. Zart stands to Chuck's right, Winston was next to me, then Clint and lastly Frypan, still not knowing the names of a few that too corralled around me, the door clangs to a stop, signifying it was done moving, still the main entrance into the last resting place was derelict, I persistently reprobate the veracity "I told you, Chuck, Rose, they're not coming back" Newt scorns our entrustment within Thomas, Alby and Minho, I don't peel my eyes, away from the entrance, instantaneously, I see a figure appear from rounding a corner, I beam with alleviation and ecstasy, it was Thomas, Alby and Minho, they were alive.

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another good chapter and cliffhanger! And, before you ask, no, the lullaby for Chuck is not the song inspired for this book! I will let you know about that at the end of the book! Also, I really love that lullaby, it really paints the scene! Also, who else thought it got a little heated between Newt and Rose??? Yeah, I meant for that to happen, and now, Rose is just starting to see her feelings for Newt, about gosh darn time!!! Sorry, I really wanted to at least build the relationship and try not to rush into things like I probably do all the time! And I am so sorry about the late publish! You guys probably were wondering! Sorry! I was really busy when I was due to write out this chapter! And my family won't give me a break! Don't worry, I'll catch up! Right now I'm just watching Scorch Trials and seeing the foreshadowing already!!! I love writing this book so please, to anyone who loves this book too, share, with everyone you know! Every reader counts! I really want to see this book blow up because I think it is my best work yet! I really hope you guys think so too if you are a current follower and reader of mine! Also, who else is catching some hints here? I got to go! The next chapter won't write itself! I hope you guys are staying safe and healthy! Later reader!

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