Chapter 16-Get To Work

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I share another confused glance with Thomas "what's wrong with the Builders?" I ask "well..." Newt trails, but he doesn't get to finish, we had walked away from Homestead to a secluded place away from the other huts, a group of boys stand tall and arrogant, smirking at us as we walk over, one boy in particular turns around, arms crossed and a dirty, smug smirk painting his lips "this is Gally, Keeper of the Builders" Newt finally finishes, I narrow my eyes at the boy, complete detestation raging within my eyes "well, if it isn't Rose, hello again, miss". He greets, I contain a growl that may have erupted from my lips, but I don't hold back my hateful glare at the boy "if it isn't the little boy I beat up" I grumble lowly, his calm deception breaks like a weak twig, he sneers, he moves closer to me "nice to see you're walking about, how's your neck?" He asks, tilting his head at an angle to look at it, I move away from him "great, how's your ego?" I snap, sending him a sarcastic smile, he growls, moving forward "enough" Newt snaps, intervening. His hands separating us, his left hand was flat against Gally's chest, his right was on my shoulder, trying not to touch what he wasn't supposed to touch, his eyes meet Gally's, then mine, he gives me a look, I sigh and relax my tensed muscles and cross my arms over my chest "now Gally, Rose is one of us now, and if you don't respect her as you respect me, then we will have a problem, now I, for one, don't want none of this rivalry nonsense while we work, remember the rules" Newt tries to calm Gally down. Gally snaps his eyes to Newt, staring into his eyes, he grunts, slapping Newt's hand off him, he mumbles under his breath, despite Gally finally putting some distance between us, the boy's eyes bore holes into my own, and I don't back down when our eyes meet, wishing to annihilate the other's gaze and expose their fear, Gally finally blinks and rumbles an annoyed grunt "well, there are no huts to build today, so, we're going to be Bricknicks today" Gally informs us "is there a difference?" I ask "yes, Builders are in charge of building structures, Bricknicks are the ones who rebuild huts". He speaks with vex towards me, I send him a abhorring glare, a hand takes my own, my eyes leave Gally's back, only finding it was Thomas holding my hand, I send him a soft, shy smile, my hate completely melting away with his smile towards me "so, what hut are we going to fix up?" Thomas asks, eyes leaving mine, hand slipping from mine, it made me almost feel empty that his hand was no longer in mine "the Runner's Guide" Gally answers, my attention spikes at those words, I share a big, excited smile with Thomas. We walk the rest of the way in silence, walking from one end of the Glade to the other, complete, comfortable silence hovering over us much like the clouds in the blue sky, but, we didn't mind it, we make it to the hut, and might I say, I had never seen such an amazing sight, it was a great big hut, covered in the same material as the rest, but this hut was way different, this one stood tall and proud, but, a few planks stood out from the sides, leaning over at very odd angles, ruining the perfect, beautiful building. "Let's get started, hopefully we will finish by the time you shanks leave" Gally speaks spitefully, I roll my eyes at him "Thomas, Ben, Dan, Alec and Carl, you work on the left, Rose, Peter, Henry, Hank and me are on the right" Gally orders, I frown at the thought of being in a team with him, but I reluctantly agree to it, it was only for two hours, how bad could things get?, With that thought, I walk to my designated side, finding a plank that was sticking out from the wooden skeleton like a sore thumb. I see Newt stand at a good observing distance, Gally hands a bunch of supplies to one of the boys on my side, he walks to each and every one of us, handing us the supplies as Gally goes to the other side, they boy stops at me, I take a peer at his physical stature, he was a menacingly beautiful creature, standing tall, towering over me by at least a few inches, slim, but man, he held such muscle, bulging in strength, he was beautiful, but, oh so, dangerous, his intense, copper brown eyes gaze down into mine. Soft brown hair curling over the right side of his forehead "name's Hank, welcome to the Glade" he smiles genuinely, the smile sticking out, popping out from his frightening demeanor, almost like wearing blood red in a field of snow, beautiful, but out of place, I smile shyly at him "name's Rose" I introduce myself, my eyes look down to his arms, ignoring his big biceps "what are those?" I ask, looking at the supplies in his arms "this is called a hammer it's what we use to punch in the nails holding this place together" he answers, holding up the hammer. Such a strange thing to hold and see "and this is a nail, you already know what it is" he speaks again, neither words holding mocking for the little knowledge I held, and it made me smile, he hands them to me "there's a bucket over there if you need any nails" he informs me "thanks" I thank, almost surprised that one of the boys on Gally's team was nice "you're welcome, and, a bit of advice, try not to get Gally angry" he whispers lowly, fearing anyone would hear him, I nod, he silently walks away, "alright, boys, and girl, let's get to work".

Author's info- Hello reader!! BOOM! I hope you guys loved this chapter and small cliffhanger!!  I sure as heck loved writing it! Man, this chapter is really exciting! Now, it may not have a lot of adventure and all that good stuff in it, but it sure does have some tension and spite in it! And that's what I love! I really loved the little tension filled moment between Gally and Rose, now, with Greenies changing things, Gally doesn't really like them, which is why I think he hates Thomas in the movies, but in my book, Rose hasn't done anything but humiliate him, and, I thought to myself, maybe Gally and Rose just really don't like each other, like I said, Rose humiliated him, Gally talked to Rose as if she were lower than him, and, he challenged her, mocked her and her friends, so, yeah, they hate each other, but don't worry, this burning feud between them will get even more interesting! Don't worry! I hope you guys are loving the book! Because I sure am loving writing this book! If only I had done this book sooner, I would have! Trust me! I mean, I love writing, I really do, it's just, for the other boom I am writing, I don't really have any inspiration, I mean, I do, but then again I don't, I know what to write, I know how it's going to end, I basically know everything, except how to put it down, lmbo 😂😢! Anyway, enough with the heavy, I really want someone to read this book! Not because I want readers and all that, but because I am super confident with this book! I really want someone to read it because I know someone will absolutely love it! I know someone would! I can only hope! I can't wait to see what happens next? What will Rose learn about the Glade now? Will she even learn anything? What will become of Rose and Thomas apart? Will anything interesting happen? I can't wait! I really want to write the next chapter already, but, even great ideas have to be slept on before the artist could paint it on their canvas! I need to sleep, and don't worry, this next chapter will be worth the wait! I will see you guys next chapter! Hope you enjoy and share! Later reader!

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