Chapter 34-Act

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If only the blissful rest of dreamless sleep was longer, but that wish was disregarded, for it appeared as if my rest hadn't been given a good minute, for as soon as my eyes had closed, I felt my arm being shaken, my eyes snapping awake, in truth, I did feel the slightest bit of replenishment, but not enough that would help conduct to me vigor for the long day that still lay ahead, I groan lowly in protest, my eyesight clearing of grogginess, I finally see Newt "Rose" he softly murmurs, an amicable and soft one at that too. I yawn, cupping my mouth as I sit up, as soon as my yawn was concluded, I rub my eyes "come on, love, it's almost sundown" he informs me, my attention and heart spikes, now being fully awake, I smooth out the slight harlequinade of my morning hair, I stand, padding out the wrinkles and small pads of dirt on my clothes "come on, love, everyone's going to go to the entrance of the Maze Walls, we need to see if Minho and Alby make it" he informs me, while telling me this, he ruffles his wild hair, not really making much of a difference in his wildness. I silently admire him, but my eyes look away, pretending to not have been gawk at him when his eyes swiftly look up, he stands too, moving next to be me, I see the Gladers already preparing to leave cozy Homestead, all having been gathered under the same roof for the storm, I see Thomas and Chuck, already doing the same, I turn around, Newt already walking to lead them, I follow him, tapping him on his shoulder "yes, love?" He asks as he moves to guide the group of concerned Gladers. "Thanks, for letting me rest on your hammock, even if it was for a bit" I softly express my gratitude towards him, he doesn't turn towards me, but I could see the small smile that broke out on his lips "no problem, love" he responds, acting as if it was nothing, but to me, it meant the world, for I would have slept on the muddy, uncomfortable floor if it wasn't for him, I smile at his back, me and him are the couple that leads the Gladers to the entrance of the towering Maze Walls, all walking stiffly and distressed for their brothers. Chirps sound over the Glade, proudly singing their tune, hoping someone heard their calls, but they soon became troubled, for the Glade was finally still, but with the stillness, there was no praise for their songs, they became concerned, conjecturing where their admirers had vanished, when they inspected, shops were left empty, void of any workers, for they all stand, watching for any movement, waiting for any sound, all standing at the entrance to the final grave, all standing hushed before the entrance of the Maze Walls, we all stand, compacted around the entrance, me, Newt. Thomas, Chuck and Gally stand tall at the forefront, waiting anxiously, Thomas stands to my left, with Chuck next to him and Gally at the rim of the wall opening to my left, Newt stands to my right, along with Frypan, Zart and Winston, several minutes seem to blur together, leaving me in a space of indecision, a powerful clank clangs in the Glade, roaring freely in the peace, I glance at those around me with superior experience, seeing them all bearing such indifferent expressions, Thomas does the same, connecting with my eyes "come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?". Thomas asks, Newt sighs thwartly, rubbing the top of his lip and keeping his hand over his mouth, clearly stressed, I don't speak, for nothing could display my great concern for the boys in the Maze, only hope was guiding me "it's against the rules" Gally speaks up with a dispassionate tone, my eyes finding him crouching on his knees "they either make it back or they don't" he adds unsympathetically, I despise him for this "can't risk loosing anyone else" Newt agrees with melancholy finding a comfortableness in his tone, my eyes soften at their sight of him. Showing their sympathy towards him, for I did not know of his past, but I could only assume the worst, everyone's eyes turn towards the opening of the Maze, not loosing all ambitions towards the boys, unexpectedly, a sharp gust of wind hits the group, I remain unfazed as the boisterous eruption passes through me, wafting my hair in it's wake, sending it in violent snaps and waves, the rest shield their eyes with their arms or look away, a monstrous sound lapses over the entrance, a crank, and the dangerous Maze Walls slowly start coming to a close. I start to visually panic, not bothering to suppress my strong emotions any longer, for this was teneting an agonizing angst within me, a moan groans as the Maze Walls clank to a slow close "there!" Thomas exclaims, bringing me back to reality, I see him point and allow his finger to guide my sight, I notice a figure emerge from rounding the corner of the Maze, entering my vision, I promptly notice something is wrong, for the figure splits into two figures, one dragging the other, a groan echoes off the walls of the Maze and enters my ears. "Wait, no, there's something wrong" Newt speaks, I see the boy struggle, recognizing him as Minho, and he was dragging Alby "COME ON, MINHO, YOU CAN DO IT!" Chuck yells, upon hearing Chuck, the rest of the Gladers join in, arousing in incitements, Minho drops Alby to the floor, starting to drag him by the legs, clearly improvising "COME ON, YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!" Gally snaps loudly "they're not gonna make it" I hear Newt state softly, despite the roar of the Gladers, I heard him perfectly, I stand there, silent and frozen, contemplating what to do, finally, I act.

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another good chapter and cliffhanger for today! Man, I love this chapter! I know I probably say that about every chapter, but hey, it's the truth! I love this one especially because it has a good cliffhanger in it! And, because it leave you guys hanging for the best part of this movie! But, remember, I am staying original, I don't want to be seen as plagiarizing this movie, so, I am going to do my own thing here! Plus, what do you think will happen next? What is Rose going to do? What will happen when those doors close? Will I do someone else's point of view for this next part? You'll just have to wait and see! Man, I really love where this book is taking me and, just letting you know now, I will be doing another book following this one! I have been loving writing this books so much to where I do NOT want to stop! So, as of now, I will be doing a book continuing this one! I don't know what to call it yet, but I will know before this book ends! And, I have a special surprise for the end of this book and the next chapter! But, I won't spoil it! You'll just have to find out! I can't wait to write it! I hope you guys are really loving this book! It is my pride and joy! If not, I am sorry, but I love this book! If you are loving it, then please share this book! Followers, people who have read your books, hit me up! Just share it with everyone you know, even strangers or people you don't usually talk to anymore! Lol! Anyone, I will really appreciate it! Also, I cannot wait to see where this book will take me! And you guys too! I kinda already know what will happen, but I just need to rethink a few things just to make this book enjoyable, from both a fangirl and a Maze Runner fan point of view! I hope you guys are staying healthy and safe, also, I am going to a fishing trip tomorrow, I might be delayed on my story, but I will do my best! No one in my family knows that I am a writer on Wattpad, but, I will make due! Don't worry, I got this! See you later amazing reader!

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