Let's Hangout P.2

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Mattia's POV:

When we got back to her place. She walked me upstairs to guest bedroom and sat me down.

She went back downstairs and began unpacking my things.

"Ya know I can unpack everything on my own. Right?"I ask.

"Yes I do know that, but you're still healing so I will be unpacking. You can just sit back and tell me where you want everything."she replies.

I roll my eyes, and lay down.

"Hey where do you want all your hoodies to go?"she questions.

I point to the little shelf next to the closet.

"I'll be right back."she says.

"Where you going?"I ask.

"To get a shoe rack for all you shoes."she replies.

I nod my head.

I could see that she was already more than half way done.

A minute later she came back in, with a shoe rack.

She started to stack my shoes , and continued to put the rest of clothes away.

When she was done she went downstairs to cook some dinner.

Your POV:

After helping mattia unpack, I went downstairs to start cooking dinner.

I decided steak would be for tonight. I grabbed all of the seasonings I would be using. I grabbed a frying pan, and started to cook.

When I was done I called Ale, and Liya downstairs for dinner.

I went upstairs to help mattia down.

I gave everyone their, food and we all ate.

"Ale I have a game tomorrow night, can you drop me?"I ask.

"Sure, what time does it start?"he replies.

"Around 6:30pm..."I say.

He nods his head.

"Ale is it ok if Mattia stays with us for a while.?"I ask.

He paused for a minute or so to think about it.

"Uh sure, but why?"he says.

I look at Mattia, who is still eating. He looked back and realized.

"Oh um, because my mom hates me so Y/n was like "I think it's better if you stay with us, cause I don't like the thought of your mom hurting you", so she took me to my house to get my things, she helped me unpack so yeah!"Mattia quickly explains.

Ale looks at him with wide eyes, then stayed quiet.

After dinner, I cleaned up and watched the movie "After Party".

Mattia came downstairs, 10 minutes into the movie, and sat down next to me.

"Is it ok if I watch with you. I can't sleep?"he asked.

I nod my head, smiling at him.

He returns a smile back, then faces his head towards the TV.

"So what's the movie about?"he says out of no where.

I explain what it's about to him and he seemed interested.

(I don't wanna spoil it for you.)

After the movie was over, he fell asleep on my shoulder.

I let him sleep there since I didn't want to wake him up.

I rested my head on his, and right there I fell asleep.

Lately I've been feeling different around him...

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